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Java Using NetBean Calculate the interest for a bank account. Your program should use Scanner to...

Java Using NetBean

Calculate the interest for a bank account. Your program should use Scanner to collect account balance and interest rate (input 2.5 for 2.5%), and then output the interest should be paid.

interest = balance * interest_rate;


Expert Solution

I have written the program using JAVA PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE.



//imported the all module in util

import java.util.*;

//main class

class Main {

//main method

public static void main(String[] args) {

//declared the required double variables

double balance,interst_rate;

//scanner object

Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

System.out.print("Enter the balance amount in your account : ");

balance = scan.nextDouble();//taking balance

System.out.print("Enter the interst rate of your bank : ");

//taking interest rate from the user

interst_rate = scan.nextDouble();

//To print the output on the console

System.out.println("\nOUTPUT : \nTotal Interest is value : " + balance*(interst_rate/100) );




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