
In: Computer Science

In java Create a program to calculate interest rate and total balance - the program consists...

In java

Create a program to calculate interest rate and total balance - the program consists of

(a) A class that encapsulates the interest rate and total balance calculation

  • Constructor should accept initial balance and interest rate
  • Methods:
    • Returns interest rate
    • Returns total balance
    • Set interest rate
    • Set initial balance

(b) A test program that uses class from step (A) to perform the following:

  • Set interest rate to 5% and initial balance to 1000
  • Print interest amount and total balance
  • Increase interest rate to 10%
  • Print interest amount and total balance
  • Increase initial balance to 2000
  • Print interest amount and total balance


Expert Solution

//Java program

class Account{
   private double Balance;
   private double interest_rate;
   public Account(double bal,double interest) {
       Balance = bal;
       interest_rate = interest;
   public void setBalance(double balance) {
       Balance = balance;
   public double getBalance() {
       return Balance;
   public void setInterestRate(double interest) {
       interest_rate = interest;
   public double getInterestRate() {
       return interest_rate;

public class Main {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
       Account acc = new Account(1000,5);
       double interest = acc.getBalance()*acc.getInterestRate()/100;
       System.out.println("Interest : "+interest);
       System.out.println("Total Balanace : "+(interest+acc.getBalance()));
       interest = acc.getBalance()*acc.getInterestRate()/100;
       System.out.println("Interest : "+interest);
       System.out.println("Total Balanace : "+(interest+acc.getBalance()));
       interest = acc.getBalance()*acc.getInterestRate()/100;
       System.out.println("Interest : "+interest);
       System.out.println("Total Balanace : "+(interest+acc.getBalance()));
//sample output

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