In: Computer Science
// Create a higher order function and invoke the callback function to test your work. You have been provided an example of a problem and a solution to see how this works with our items array. Study both the problem and the solution to figure out the rest of the problems.
const items = ["Pencil", "Notebook", "yo-yo", "Gum"];
function firstItem(arr, cb) {
// firstItem passes the first item of the given array to the callback function.
function firstItem(arr, cb) {
return cb(arr[0]);
// firstItem is a higher order function.
// It expects a callback (referred to as `cb`) as its second argument.
// To test our solution, we can use the given `items` array and a variety of callbacks.
// Note how callbacks can be declared separately, or inlined.
// TEST 1 (inlined callback):
const test1 = firstItem(items, item => `I love my ${item}!`);
console.log(test1); // "I love my Pencil!"
// TEST 2 (declaring callback before hand):
function logExorbitantPrice(article) {
return `this ${article} is worth a million dollars!`;
const test2 = firstItem(items, logExorbitantPrice);
console.log(test2); // "this Pencil is worth a million dollars!"
function getLength(arr, cb) {
// getLength passes the length of the array into the callback.
arr = [1, 12, 3, 2, 1, 5, 3, 4, 20]; //Sample array is taken
function print(array) {
array.forEach(function(eachName, index) {
console.log(index + 1 + ". " + eachName);
function last(arr, cb) {
// last passes the last item of the array into the callback.
function sumNums(x, y, cb) {
// sumNums adds two numbers (x, y) and passes the result to the callback.
function multiplyNums(x, y, cb) {
// multiplyNums multiplies two numbers and passes the result to the callback.
function contains(item, list, cb) {
// contains checks if an item is present inside of the given array/list.
// Pass true to the callback if it is, otherwise pass false.
function removeDuplicates(array, cb) {
// removeDuplicates removes all duplicate values from the given array.
// Pass the duplicate free array to the callback function.
// Do not mutate the original array.
If you have any doubts, please give me comment...
// Create a higher order function and invoke the callback function to test your work. You have been provided an example of a problem and a solution to see how this works with our items array. Study both the problem and the solution to figure out the rest of the problems.
const items = ["Pencil", "Notebook", "yo-yo", "Gum"];
// function firstItem(arr, cb) {
// // firstItem passes the first item of the given array to the callback function.
// }
function firstItem(arr, cb) {
return cb(arr[0]);
// firstItem is a higher order function.
// It expects a callback (referred to as `cb`) as its second argument.
// To test our solution, we can use the given `items` array and a variety of callbacks.
// Note how callbacks can be declared separately, or inlined.
// TEST 1 (inlined callback):
const test1 = firstItem(items, item => `I love my ${item}!`);
console.log(test1); // "I love my Pencil!"
// TEST 2 (declaring callback before hand):
function logExorbitantPrice(article) {
return `this ${article} is worth a million dollars!`;
const test2 = firstItem(items, logExorbitantPrice);
console.log(test2); // "this Pencil is worth a million dollars!"
function getLength(arr, cb) {
// getLength passes the length of the array into the callback.
return cb(arr.length);
arr = [1, 12, 3, 2, 1, 5, 3, 4, 20]; //Sample array is taken
function print(array) {
array.forEach(function(eachName, index) {
console.log(index + 1 + ". " + eachName);
function last(arr, cb) {
// last passes the last item of the array into the callback.
return cb(arr[arr.length - 1]);
function sumNums(x, y, cb) {
// sumNums adds two numbers (x, y) and passes the result to the callback.
return cb(x + y);
function multiplyNums(x, y, cb) {
// multiplyNums multiplies two numbers and passes the result to the callback.
return cb(x * y);
function contains(item, list, cb) {
// contains checks if an item is present inside of the given array/list.
// Pass true to the callback if it is, otherwise pass false.
let result = false;
for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (list[i] == item) {
result = true;
return cb(result);
function removeDuplicates(array, cb) {
// removeDuplicates removes all duplicate values from the given array.
// Pass the duplicate free array to the callback function.
// Do not mutate the original array.
let result = [];
for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
let exists = false;
for (j = 0; j < result.length; j++) {
if (array[i] == result[j])
exists = true;
if (!exists)
return cb(result);