In: Psychology
Identify why stereotypes are difficult to change. Describe Devine’s two-step model of cognitive processing as it relates to stereotypes and prejudice.
Streotype is unlearning behaiour which is not desirablly aceptable.It is really difficult to change . Because today media like tv , news paper and social media potrayed such notion and character which committed to think of 4 years childern about streotype regarding physical beauty, racism , gender discreamination, and other various dogmatism outlook.Besides All the streotype behaiour strongly represent our cultural values and social norms from where child can't be escape.streotype higly cognitive asscessible where childern easily doesn't forget . Even if he is aware of being forget it , then strongly remmembered it. For example , he can more remember the fact of poor driving of women rather then exceptionally best driving performance of women. Because he has streotype notion that women never be good in driving. So it in this way, it is difficult to change it.
Devine '' two step model of Cognitive processing:
1. Automatic processing:
Streotype for that particular group acessed memory when a stimulus triggers it.This stimulus something contact with streotype .in automatic processing , person doesn't intentionally thinks while decision making or judgement . Rather then take decision on the basis past experience and own practice beliefs and habits. For , a child has learned to ride motor cycle but he doesn't not specific funtion of it.. he learned it by more practice and habit formation or someone experience.similarly , we are excuted such streotype behaiour undelibrately which are aquired through our ancestors or by own blind faith . Never feels to rationally think on it.
On the other hand , people are more conciously take decision in aternative cognitive processing. Because they are secientifically judge the streotype and eliminated it. Finally acept the genuine and truth fact.