
In: Computer Science

Part 1: Find and fix errors and add following functionalities 1. There are several syntax errors...

Part 1: Find and fix errors and add following functionalities

1. There are several syntax errors in the code that are preventing this calculator from working, find and fix those errors. When they are fixed, the number buttons will all work, as well as the + (add) and -- (decrement) buttons.

a. To find the errors, open up the Developers Tool of the browser and look at the console (F12).

  1. Verify the add functionality works. For a binary operator, you must click on the buttons in the

    following order:

    1. Hit a number button

    2. Hit the ‘+’ button

    3. Hit a number button

    4. Hit the ‘Calculate’ button

  2. Verify the decrement operator works. For a unary operator, you must click the buttons in the following order:

    1. Hit the number button

    2. Hit the ‘—‘ button

  3. Implement subtraction in a similar fashion to addition:

Create a subtract function. To subtract, the user must hit a number button, then the ‘-‘ button,another number button and then the ‘Calculate’ button. The function should store the firstnumber in a global variable, similar to the add function.

Add code in the calculate button which will perform the subtraction when the ‘Calculate’button is clicked.
Call the subtract function from the HTML file.

5. Implement the sqrt() button. Similar to the decrement function, the sqrt() button will take the value of

the number and display the square root. Use the Math.sqrt function to calculate the square root. 6. Validate any HTML CSS and/or JavaScript errors.

Part 2: Implement 2 or more buttons

  1. Pick any two additional buttons and make them work. When you turn in your lab put in the‘Comments’ section of Canvas, which two buttons you implemented.



<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">


    <!-- Meta tag for keywords  -->
    <meta name="keywords" content="Calculator" >
    <!-- Meta tag for description  -->
    <meta name="description" content="ITIS 3135 Activity 5" >
   <!-- Meta tag for character encoding  -->
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <!--External Stylesheet -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Activity5.css">
   <!-- JavaScript function declarations -->
    <script src="Activity5.js"></script>

      <h1>My Calculator</h1> 
      <!-- For people who don't have JavaScript enabled-->
      <noscript>This web page requires JavaScript to be enabled on your browser.</noscript>
   <main id="calc">
      <!-- form for user input that represents a calculator -->
      <form name="frmCalc" id="frmCalc">
         <p>Please enter a numeric value or use the number buttons below.</p>
         <!-- Text Box to enter a numeric value -->
         <input type="text" name="txtNumber" value="" size="20" /><br /><br/>
         <!-- Number buttons -->
         <input type="button" value="1" name="btn1" onclick="showNum(1)" />
         <input type="button" value="2" name="btn2" onclick="showNum(2)" />
         <input type="button" value="3" name="btn3" onclick="showNum(3)" />
         <!-- ADD: Sets up operation to add current number to next number entered -->
         <input type="button" value="+" name="btnPlus" onclick="add()" /><br/>
         <!-- Number buttons -->
         <input type="button" value="4" name="btn4" onclick="showNum(4)" />
         <input type="button" value="5" name="btn5" onclick="showNum(5)" />
         <input type="button" value="6" name="btn6" onclick="showNum(6)" />
         <!-- *** Subtract (Implement Me!) *** -->
         <input type="button" value="-" name="btnMinus" onclick="" onclick="" /><br/>
         <!-- Number buttons -->
         <input type="button" value="7" name="btn7" onclick="showNum(7)" />
         <input type="button" value="8" name="btn8" onclick="showNum(8)" />
         <input type="button" value="9" name="btn9" onclick="showNum(9)" />
         <!-- *** Multiply (Implement Me!) *** -->
         <input type="button" value="*" name="btnTimes" onclick="" /><br/>
         <!-- Number buttons -->
         <input type="button" value="0" name="btn0" onclick="showNum(0)" />

         <!-- *** Power (Implement Me!) Takes two values n^y *** -->
         <input type="button" value="^" name="btnPow" onclick=""/>
         <!-- *** Power2 (Implement Me!) *** Takes one value n^2-->
         <input type="button" value="^2" name="btnPow2" onclick=""/>
         <!-- *** Divide (Implement Me!) *** -->
         <input type="button" value="/" name="btnDivide" onclick=""/><br/>
         <!-- Decrements value currently displayed -->
         <input type="button" value="--" name="btnDecrement" onclick="decrement()" />
         <!-- *** Increment (Implement Me!) *** -->
         <input type="button" value="++" name="btnIncrement" onclick=""/>
         <!-- *** Square Root (Implement Me!) *** -->
         <input type="button" value="sqrt()" name="btnSqrt" onclick=""/><br />
         <!-- Calculates the floor of the current number being displayed -->
         <input type="button" value="Floor" name="btnFloor" onclick="" />     
         <!-- *** Round (Implement Me!) *** -->
         <input type="button" value="Round" name="btnRound" onclick=""/>
         <!-- *** Decimal (Implement Me!) *** -->
         <input type="button" value="." name="btnDecimal" onclick="showNum('.')" />
         <input type="reset" name="btnReset" value="Clear" onclick="clear()" />
         <input type="button" name="btnCalc" value="Calculate" onclick="calculate()" />

   <footer id="Validation">
      <a href="">Validate HTML</a> 
      <a href="">Validate CSS</a>

/*Make it look more like a calculator*/
/*Change the style of the buttons*/
    font-family:"Courier New";

/*Make the buttons that have not been implemented red*/


//Global variables
var prevCalc = 0;
var calc = "";

//The following function displays a number in the textfield when a number is clicked.
//Note that it keeps concatenating numbers which are clicked. 
function showNum(value) {
    document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value += = value;

//The following function decreases the value of displayed number by 1.
//isNaN method checks whether the value passed to the method is a number or not.     
function decrement() {
    var num = parseFloat(document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value);
        if (!(isNaN(num))) {
            document.frmCalc.txtnumber.value = num;

//The following function is called when "Add" button is clicked. 
//Note that it also changes the values of the global variables.       
function add() {
    var num = parseFloat(document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value);
        if (!(isNaN(num))) {
            prevCalc = num;
            document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value = "";
            calc = "Add";

//The following function is called when "Calculate" button is clicked.
//Note that this function is dependent on the value of global variable.        
function calculate() {
    var num = parseFloat(document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value);
        if (!(isNaN(num))) {
            if (calc == "Add"){
                var total = previousCalc + num;
                document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value = total;

function clear() {
   document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value = "";
   prevCalc = 0;
   calc = "";


Expert Solution

If you have any doubts, please give me comment...


<!doctype html>

<html lang="en">



    <!-- Meta tag for keywords  -->

    <meta name="keywords" content="Calculator">

    <!-- Meta tag for description  -->

    <meta name="description" content="ITIS 3135 Activity 5">

    <!-- Meta tag for character encoding  -->

    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <!--External Stylesheet -->

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Activity5.css">

    <!-- JavaScript function declarations -->

    <script src="Activity5.js"></script>




        <h1>My Calculator</h1>

        <!-- For people who don't have JavaScript enabled-->

        <noscript>This web page requires JavaScript to be enabled on your browser.</noscript>


    <main id="calc">

        <!-- form for user input that represents a calculator -->

        <form name="frmCalc" id="frmCalc">

            <p>Please enter a numeric value or use the number buttons below.</p>

            <!-- Text Box to enter a numeric value -->

            <input type="text" name="txtNumber" value="" size="20" />

            <br />


            <!-- Number buttons -->

            <input type="button" value="1" name="btn1" onclick="showNum(1)" />

            <input type="button" value="2" name="btn2" onclick="showNum(2)" />

            <input type="button" value="3" name="btn3" onclick="showNum(3)" />

            <!-- ADD: Sets up operation to add current number to next number entered -->

            <input type="button" value="+" name="btnPlus" onclick="add()" />


            <!-- Number buttons -->

            <input type="button" value="4" name="btn4" onclick="showNum(4)" />

            <input type="button" value="5" name="btn5" onclick="showNum(5)" />

            <input type="button" value="6" name="btn6" onclick="showNum(6)" />

            <!-- *** Subtract *** -->

            <input type="button" value="-" name="btnMinus" onclick="subtract()" />


            <!-- Number buttons -->

            <input type="button" value="7" name="btn7" onclick="showNum(7)" />

            <input type="button" value="8" name="btn8" onclick="showNum(8)" />

            <input type="button" value="9" name="btn9" onclick="showNum(9)" />

            <!-- *** Multiply *** -->

            <input type="button" value="*" name="btnTimes" onclick="multiply()" />


            <!-- Number buttons -->

            <input type="button" value="0" name="btn0" onclick="showNum(0)" />

            <!-- *** Power Takes two values n^y *** -->

            <input type="button" value="^" name="btnPow" onclick="power()" />

            <!-- *** Power2 *** Takes one value n^2-->

            <input type="button" value="^2" name="btnPow2" onclick="square()" />

            <!-- *** Divide *** -->

            <input type="button" value="/" name="btnDivide" onclick="divide()" />

            <br />

            <!-- Decrements value currently displayed -->

            <input type="button" value="--" name="btnDecrement" onclick="decrement()" />

            <!-- *** Increment *** -->

            <input type="button" value="++" name="btnIncrement" onclick="increment()" />

            <!-- *** Square Root *** -->

            <input type="button" value="sqrt()" name="btnSqrt" onclick="sqrt()" />

            <br />

            <!-- Calculates the floor of the current number being displayed -->

            <input type="button" value="Floor" name="btnFloor" onclick="floor()" />

            <!-- *** Round *** -->

            <input type="button" value="Round" name="btnRound" onclick="round()" />

            <!-- *** Decimal *** -->

            <input type="button" value="." name="btnDecimal" onclick="showNum('.')" />



            <input type="reset" name="btnReset" value="Clear" onclick="clear()" />

            <input type="button" name="btnCalc" value="Calculate" onclick="calculate()" />



    <footer id="Validation">


        <a href="">Validate HTML</a>

        <a href="">Validate CSS</a>





//Global variables

var prevCalc = 0;

var calc = "";

//The following function displays a number in the textfield when a number is clicked.

//Note that it keeps concatenating numbers which are clicked.

function showNum(value) {

    document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value += value;


//The following function decreases the value of displayed number by 1.

//isNaN method checks whether the value passed to the method is a number or not.

function decrement() {

    var num = parseFloat(document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value);

    if (!(isNaN(num))) {


        document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value = num;



//The following function increases the value of displayed number by 1.

//isNaN method checks whether the value passed to the method is a number or not.

function increment() {

    var num = parseFloat(document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value);

    if (!(isNaN(num))) {


        document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value = num;



//The following function is called when "sqrt" button is clicked.

//Note that it also changes the values of the global variables.

function sqrt() {

    var num = parseFloat(document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value);

    if (!(isNaN(num))) {

        var sqrtvalue = Math.sqrt(num);

        document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value = sqrtvalue;



//The following function is called when "floor" button is clicked.

//Note that it also changes the values of the global variables.

function floor() {

    var num = parseFloat(document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value);

    if (!(isNaN(num))) {

        var floorvalue = Math.floor(num);

        document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value = floorvalue;



//The following function is called when "round" button is clicked.

//Note that it also changes the values of the global variables.

function round() {

    var num = parseFloat(document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value);

    if (!(isNaN(num))) {

        var roundvalue = Math.round(num);

        document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value = roundvalue;



//The following function is called when "square" button is clicked.

//Note that it also changes the values of the global variables.

function square() {

    var num = parseFloat(document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value);

    if (!(isNaN(num))) {

        var powvalue = Math.pow(num, 2);

        document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value = powvalue;



//The following function is called when "Add" button is clicked.

//Note that it also changes the values of the global variables.

function add() {

    var num = parseFloat(document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value);

    if (!(isNaN(num))) {

        prevCalc = num;

        document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value = "";

        calc = "Add";



//The following function is called when "Subtract" button is clicked.

//Note that it also changes the values of the global variables.

function subtract() {

    var num = parseFloat(document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value);

    if (!(isNaN(num))) {

        prevCalc = num;

        document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value = "";

        calc = "Subtract";



//The following function is called when "Multiply" button is clicked.

//Note that it also changes the values of the global variables.

function multiply() {

    var num = parseFloat(document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value);

    if (!(isNaN(num))) {

        prevCalc = num;

        document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value = "";

        calc = "Multiply";



//The following function is called when "Divide" button is clicked.

//Note that it also changes the values of the global variables.

function divide() {

    var num = parseFloat(document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value);

    if (!(isNaN(num))) {

        prevCalc = num;

        document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value = "";

        calc = "Divide";



//The following function is called when "Power" button is clicked.

//Note that it also changes the values of the global variables.

function power() {

    var num = parseFloat(document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value);

    if (!(isNaN(num))) {

        prevCalc = num;

        document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value = "";

        calc = "Power";



//The following function is called when "Calculate" button is clicked.

//Note that this function is dependent on the value of global variable.

function calculate() {

    var num = parseFloat(document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value);

    if (!(isNaN(num))) {

        var total = 0;

        if (calc == "Add") {

            total = prevCalc + num;

            document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value = total;

        } else if (calc == "Subtract") {

            total = prevCalc - num;

            document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value = total;

        } else if (calc == "Multiply") {

            total = prevCalc * num;

            document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value = total;

        } else if (calc == "Divide") {

            total = prevCalc / num;

            document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value = total;

        } else if (calc == "Power") {

            total = Math.pow(prevCalc, num);

            document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value = total;




function clear() {

    document.frmCalc.txtNumber.value = "";

    prevCalc = 0;

    calc = "";



body {

    font-family: "arial";


/*Make it look more like a calculator*/

#calc {

    width: 250px;

    background-color: #cccccc;

    text-align: center;

    border: outset;

    padding: 5px;


/*Change the style of the buttons*/

input {

    font-family: "Courier New";

    text-align: right;


/*Make the buttons that have not been implemented red*/

input.implement {

    background-color: red;


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