In: Psychology
Short essay format please...
2. Discuss combat stress reactions (CSR), clearly defining the concept in terms of adaptive and maladaptive reactions. Provide at least two (2) examples of each, adaptive and maladaptive CSRs, explaining how an individual is affected during combat when experiencing these reactions.
at least 200 words, thanks!
Combat Stress Reaction :
This is a reaction seen during combat war situations. CSR affects the military personnel ka and decides their reaction to stress during the traumatic combat situation. The behaviour of these individuals is generally observed to be disorganised with an acute trouble to focus due to stress. The individuals may also reexperience the traumatic events in their memories which makes them disturbed and sometimes even get hallucinations and due to flashbacks. The reaction to this may emerge as sleep disorders and anger with withdrawing oneself from others due to the guilt of sudden outburst of anxiety and panic attacks . The warriors efficiency to fight in a war situation may considerably affected by the fatigue of CSR.
Adaptive reaction :
The body of an individual disturbed due to CSR tries to get back to its normal homeostasis. In this process the body adapts to changes occurred due to stress and trauma.
Examples of adaptive reaction -
Maladaptive reaction:
The person is no longer able to deal with stress which gets him to a psychological breakpoint.
Examples of maladaptive CSR -