
In: Statistics and Probability

We would like to analyze expenditures on research and development and use regression analysis. We assume...

We would like to analyze expenditures on research and development and use regression analysis. We assume that total expenditures would be closely related to the income , GDP, investments and inflation rate. Please describe results and quality of regression model.

Formulate inferences about the regression model parameters. Test usefulness of the model. Are parameter statistically significant? Please set up correct hypothesis and formulate your conclusions.

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0,9499
R Square 0,9023
Adjusted R Square 0,8878
Standard error 1294,9574
Observations 32
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 4 4,18E+08 1,05E+08 6,23E+01 3,06E-13
Residual 27 4,53E+07 1,68E+01
Total 31 4,63E+08
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%
Intercept -1754,829 7818,344 -0,2245 0,8241 -17796,7451 14287,09
Income 3,0913 1,6497 1,8738 0,0718 -0,2936 6,4762
GDP 0,0719 0,4915 0,1463 0,8848 -0,9367 1,0805
Investments 0,81 0,3471 2,3337 0,0273 0,0978 1,5221
Inflation -24,6261 37,5128 -0,6565 0,5171 -101,596 52,3438


Expert Solution


Regression Equation

Expenditure = -1754.829 + 30913 * Income + 0.0719 * GDP + 0.81 * Investments – 246261 * Inflation

Hypothesis Test for Overall Model

Alpha = 0.05

Null and Alternate Hypothesis

H0: Model is insignificant

Ha: Model is significant

Test Statistic

From the Regression Output

F = 6.23E+01

P-value = 3.06E-13


Since the p-value is less than 0.05, we reject the null hypothesis ie the model is significant

Hypothesis Test for Independent Variables


alpha = 0.05

Independent Variable = Income

Null and Alternate Hypothesis

H0: β1 = 0

Ha: β1 <> 0

Test Statistic

t = 1.8738

p-value = 0.0718


Since the p-value is greater than 0.05, we fail to reject the null hypothesis ie the independent variable is not significant


alpha = 0.05

Independent Variable = GDP

Null and Alternate Hypothesis

H0: β2 = 0

Ha: β2 <> 0

Test Statistic

t = 0.1463

p-value = 0.8848


Since the p-value is greater than 0.05, we fail to reject the null hypothesis ie the independent variable is not significant


alpha = 0.05

Independent Variable = Investments

Null and Alternate Hypothesis

H0: β3 = 0

Ha: β3 <> 0

Test Statistic

t = 2.33

p-value = 0.0273


Since the p-value is less than 0.05, we reject the null hypothesis ie the independent variable is significant


alpha = 0.05

Independent Variable = Inflation

Null and Alternate Hypothesis

H0: β1 = 0

Ha: β1 <> 0

Test Statistic

t = -0.66

p-value = 0.51


Since the p-value is greater than 0.05, we fail to reject the null hypothesis ie the independent variable is not significant

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