
In: Nursing

Simulation video. CHRISTINE: Emergency Department, this is Christine. WYATT: Hi, this is Wyatt, one of the...

Simulation video.

CHRISTINE: Emergency Department, this is Christine.

WYATT: Hi, this is Wyatt, one of the emergency medical technicians. We’ll be arriving soon with a

Client, who’s experiencing chest pain. His name is Rodney Davis. He’s 54 and arriving per EMS

Transfer to the Emergency Department. His chest pains started at 16:55. His wife gave him three doses

of nitroglycerin when it started. In addition, she gave him 325 milligrams of aspirin at 17:15. He has a

peripheral IV access line, and we’re sending the EMS report to you now with vital signs and medical


CHRISTINE: OK, I’ll review the report, and we’ll be ready when you get here.

CHRISTINE: Hi, Mr. Davis. I’m Christine. I’m your nurse. Are you still having chest pain or


RODNEY: Yes. Feels like my chest is being squeezed right here. And it’s hard to breathe.

CHRISTINE: When did the discomfort start?

RODNEY: About 5:00. And it’s as intense, if not worse, and I feel dizzy, sick to my stomach.

MAGGIE: My husband takes nitroglycerin sometimes when he has chest pain, but this time, the pain

Just hasn’t gone away. And he does have a history of blocked arteries.

CHRISTINE: OK. I’m going to switch these lead wires to our to monitor your heart rate rhythm

While you’re here. So what were you doing when the pain started?

RODNEY: I was outside shoveling my driveway.

CHRISTINE: On a scale of zero to 10, with 10 being the highest level of pain, what are you feeling?

RODNEY: With this squeezing over my heart, I’d say an eight.

CHRISTINE: OK. The electrocardiogram tech is coming to perform a 12 lead ECG, which will help

determine if your in pain is it due to a heart attack. Then the provider will review the results. I’m going to go and check up on your orders, and I’m going to come back with something for your pain.

1- Identify three priorities noted during report and state an action plan for these priorities.

2-Share one clinical experience that remind you of this scenario with the peer you are replying too


Expert Solution

1) The three priorities noted during report and action plan for these priorities are :-

- Extreme chest pain

Action plan - To find the cause behind chest pain and administer analgesics and other medications as per the ECG rhythm.

- Difficulty to breathe due to chest pain

Action plan - To provide a semi fowlers position , provision of a cardiac table , administration of oxygen as per the requirements and order.

- Anxiety of the patient and his wife due unresolving chest pain

Action plan - To reduce their anxiety and calm them down by making them understand the cause and what actions will be taken .

2) When i was oposted in Cardiac ICU at a night shift , one case from emergency department got shifted to ICU under me . It was the same scenario - a 65 year old male got shortnes of breath and acute chest pain at night after having his dinner . First of all the famiy members taught it as acidity ,but when it does not resolved with anti acidity agents ,they got him to the emergency , and after the assessment it was confirmed that he had a mild attack for which he got shifted to the ICU . Management for pain , shortness of breath , adminstration of cardiac medicatio etc were done.

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