In: Computer Science
Think about a DATABASE PROJECT (BUSINESS PROBLEM) you want to do after school
show me the attributes
create a three table for it and explain each table and what it mean.
If we are doing Database Project based on School, we may require the below tables and attributes.
Database Name will be School.
Few Tables and attributes:
Department(deptID,deptName, Administrator) -> This table will
hold the department details
Student(stuID,stuFName,stuLName,age,grade) -> This table will
hold the Student details
Faculty(facID,facFName,facLName,Specialization) -> This table
will hold the Faculty Details
Course(courseID,facID,deptID) ->This table will hold the Course
Section(roomID,facID,courseID,stuID) -> This table will hold the
Section details.
Creation of 3 tables:
Create table Department(deptID number,
deptName varchar2(20),
Administrator varchar2(20),
Primary key(deptID));
Create table Student(stuID number,
stuFName varchar2(20),
stuLName varchar2(20),
age number,
grade char(2),
Primary key(stuID));
create table Faculty(facID number,
facFName varchar2(20),
facLName varchar2(20),
specialization varchar2(20),
Primary key(facID));
The above mentioned tables and attributes are some important ones
for the School Database.
Thanks and all the best. Let me know in case if you have any doubts.