
In: Computer Science

Create a driver class to do the following: a. Read data from the given file

Create a driver class to do the following:


Read data from the given file and create and array of BankAccount Objects

The order in the file is first name, last name, id, account number, balance. Note that account

name consists of both first and last name


Print the array (without account id) the account balance must

show only 2 decimal digits. You will need to do some string processing.


Find the account with largest balance and print it


Find the account with the smallest balance and print it.


Determine if there are duplicate accounts in the array. If there are then set the duplicate account

name to XXXX XXXX and rest of the fields to 0. Note it’s hard to “delete” elements from an array.

Or add new accounts if there is no room in the array. If duplicate(s) are found, print the array.


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include //your header file

using namespace std;
const int SIZE = 8;
void fillArray (ifstream &input,BankAccount accountsArray[]);
int largest(BankAccount accountsArray[]);
int smallest(BankAccount accountsArray[]);
void printArray(BankAccount accountsArray[]);
int main() {

   //open file
   //fill accounts array
   //print array
   //find largest
   //find smallest
   //find duplicates and print if necessary
BankAccount accountsArray[SIZE];

    cout<<"Largest Balance: "<<endl;
    cout<<"Smallest Balance :"<<endl;
void fillArray (ifstream &input,BankAccount accountsArray[]){


int largest(BankAccount accountsArray[]){
//returns index of largest account balance
int smallest(BankAccount accountsArray[]){
//returns index of smallest

BankAccount removeDuplicate(BankAccount account1, BankAccount account2){

return (account1.equals(account2));

void printArray(BankAccount accountsArray[]){
   cout<<" --------------------------------"<<endl;
//print array using to string method


Matilda Patel 453456 1232 -4.00 
Fernando Diaz 323468 1234  250.0
Vai vu        432657 1240  987.56
Howard Chen   234129 1236  194.56
Vai vu        432657 1240  -888987.56
Sugata Misra  987654 1238  10004.8
Fernando Diaz 323468 1234 8474.0
Lily Zhaou    786534 1242  001.98


Expert Solution

//BankAccount.h --------------------
#ifndef __BANK_ACCOUNT_H
#define __BANK_ACCOUNT_H
using namespace std;
//class BankAccount
class BankAccount
   //private fields
       string name;
       int id;
       int accountNumber;
       double balance;
   //default constructor.
       //parameterized constructor
       BankAccount(string name,int id,int accountNumber,double balance)
           this->name = name;
           this->id = id;
           this->accountNumber = accountNumber;
           this->balance = balance;
       //getters for each field
       string getName()
           return name;
       int getId()
           return id;
       int getAccountNumber()
           return accountNumber;
       double getBalance()
           return balance;
       //tostring method
       string toString()
           stringstream ss;
           ss <<"Name : "<<name<<endl;
           ss <<"Id : "<<id<<endl;
           ss<<"account Num : "<<accountNumber<<endl;
           ss<<"Balance : "<<balance<<endl;
           return ss.str();
       //compares the current account with passed account
       //and returns account with null fields like below if both are equal.
       BankAccount equals(BankAccount other)
           if(other.getAccountNumber() == accountNumber)
               BankAccount account("XXXX XXXX",0,0,0);
               return account;
               return other;

//---------- main.cpp----------
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "BankAccount.h"

using namespace std;
const int SIZE = 8;
void fillArray (ifstream &input,BankAccount accountsArray[]);
int largest(BankAccount accountsArray[]);
int smallest(BankAccount accountsArray[]);
void printArray(BankAccount accountsArray[]);
BankAccount removeDuplicate(BankAccount account1, BankAccount account2);

int main() {

//open file
//fill accounts array
//print array
//find largest
//find smallest
//find duplicates and print if necessary
   BankAccount accountsArray[SIZE];
   //create input stream object
   ifstream input("");
   cout<<"After filling\n\n";
   //fill array
cout<<"Largest Balance: "<<endl;
cout<<"Smallest Balance :"<<endl;
   //remove duplicate accounts
for(int i =0;i<SIZE;i++)
       for(int j = i+1;j<SIZE;j++)
           //if i and j are equal j contents will be replaced by null fields
           //if not j will be returned by removeDuplicate() method
           accountsArray[j] = removeDuplicate(accountsArray[i],accountsArray[j]);
   cout<<"\nAfter removing duplicates\n\n";
void fillArray (ifstream &input,BankAccount accountsArray[])
   string line;
   int i =0;
   string fname ="";
   string lname ="";
   int id =-1;
   int accountNumber=-1;
   double balance=0;
   while(getline(input,line) && i < SIZE)
       //create stringstream object for read line
       stringstream ss(line);
       //load data into each variable
       ss>> fname>>lname>>id>>accountNumber>>balance;
       //if any of the values are not read from file
       if(fname=="" || lname == "" || id==-1 || accountNumber == -1)
           //set default values.
           cout<<"\nError: Some values are missed in line: "<<line<<endl;
           cout<<"Creating Null BankAccount account(\"XXXX XXXX\",0,0,0) to fill the array.\n";
           accountsArray[i] = BankAccount("XXXX XXXX",0,0,0);
           //if values are read create new object and store.
           accountsArray[i] = BankAccount(fname+" "+lname,id,accountNumber,balance);
       accountNumber = -1;
       balance = 0;

int largest(BankAccount accountsArray[])
   int i;
   //assume max balance as 0
   double maxBalance = 0;
   double curBalance;
   int ind=0;
   for(i =0 ;i<SIZE;i++)
       //get i_th account balance
       curBalance = accountsArray[i].getBalance();
       //compare and modify if necessary
       if(curBalance > maxBalance)
           maxBalance = curBalance;
           ind = i;
   return ind;
int smallest(BankAccount accountsArray[])
   int i;
   //assume 0_th account has min balance
   double minBalance = accountsArray[0].getBalance();
   double curBalance;
   int ind=0;
   for(i =1 ;i<SIZE;i++)
       //compare i_th account balance and modify if necessary.
       curBalance = accountsArray[i].getBalance();
       if(curBalance < minBalance)
           minBalance = curBalance;
           ind = i;
   return ind;
BankAccount removeDuplicate(BankAccount account1, BankAccount account2)
   return (account1.equals(account2));

void printArray(BankAccount accountsArray[]){
cout<<" --------------------------------"<<endl;
printf("\n %5s %18s %12s\n\n","Name","Ac Number","Balance");
BankAccount cur;
for(int i = 0;i<SIZE;i++)
       cur = accountsArray[i];
       printf(" %12s %8d %12.2lf\n\n",cur.getName().c_str(),cur.getAccountNumber(),cur.getBalance());


Matilda Patel 453456 1232 -4.00
Fernando Diaz 323468 1234 250.0
Vai vu 432657 1240 987.56
Howard Chen 234129 1236 194.56
Vai vu 432657 1240 -888987.56
Sugata Misra 987654 1238 10004.8
Fernando Diaz 323468 1234 8474.0
Lily Zhaou 786534 1242 001.98


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