In: Computer Science
(Java) Implement a RightThreadTree class as an extension of a BinarySearchTree
A right-threaded tree is a binary search tree in which each right link that would normally be null is a "thread" that links that node to its inorder successor. The thread enables nonrecursive algorithms to be written for search and inorder traversals that are more efficient than recursive ones. Implement a RightThreadTree class as an extension of a BinarySearchTree. You will also need an RTNode that extends the Node class to include a flag that indicates whether a node's right link is a real link or a thread.
* Java Program to Implement Threaded Binary Tree
import java.util.Scanner;
/** Class TBSTNode **/
class TBSTNode
int ele;
TBSTNode left, right;
boolean leftThread, rightThread;
/** Constructor **/
public TBSTNode(int ele)
this(ele, null, null, true, true);
/** Constructor **/
public TBSTNode(boolean leftThread, boolean rightThread)
this.ele = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
this.left = this;
this.right = this;
this.leftThread = leftThread;
this.rightThread = rightThread;
/** Constructor **/
public TBSTNode(int ele, TBSTNode left, TBSTNode right, boolean leftThread, boolean rightThread)
this.ele = ele;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
this.leftThread = leftThread;
this.rightThread = rightThread;
/** Class ThreadedBinarySearchTree **/
class ThreadedBinarySearchTree
private TBSTNode root;
/** Constructor **/
public ThreadedBinarySearchTree ()
root = new TBSTNode(true, false);
/** Function to clear tree **/
public void clear()
root = new TBSTNode(true, false);
/** Function to insert an element **/
public void insert(int ele)
TBSTNode ptr = findNode(root, ele);
/** element already present **/
if (ptr == null)
if (ptr.ele < ele)
TBSTNode nptr = new TBSTNode(ele, ptr, ptr.right, true, true);
ptr.right = nptr;
ptr.rightThread = false;
TBSTNode nptr = new TBSTNode(ele, ptr.left, ptr, true, true);
ptr.left = nptr;
ptr.leftThread = false;
/** function to find node **/
public TBSTNode findNode(TBSTNode r, int ele)
if (r.ele < ele)
if (r.rightThread)
return r;
return findNode(r.right, ele);
else if (r.ele > ele)
if (r.leftThread)
return r;
return findNode(r.left, ele);
return null;
/** Function to search for an element **/
public boolean search(int ele)
return findNode(root, ele) == null;
/** Function to print tree **/
public void inOrder()
TBSTNode temp = root;
for (;;)
temp = insucc(temp);
if (temp == root)
System.out.print(temp.ele +" ");
/** Function to get inorder successor **/
public TBSTNode insucc(TBSTNode tree)
TBSTNode temp;
temp = tree.right;
if (!tree.rightThread)
while (!temp.leftThread)
temp = temp.left;
return temp;
/** Class ThreadedBinarySearchTreeTest **/
public class ThreadedBinarySearchTreeTest
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
/** Creating object of ThreadedBinarySearchTree **/
ThreadedBinarySearchTree tbst = new ThreadedBinarySearchTree();
System.out.println("Threaded Binary Search Tree Test\n");
char ch;
/** Perform tree operations **/
System.out.println("\nThreaded Binary Search Tree Operations\n");
System.out.println("1. insert ");
System.out.println("2. search");
System.out.println("3. clear");
int choice = scan.nextInt();
switch (choice)
case 1 :
System.out.println("Enter integer element to insert");
tbst.insert( scan.nextInt() );
case 2 :
System.out.println("Enter integer element to search");
System.out.println("Search result : "+ scan.nextInt() ));
case 3 :
System.out.println("\nTree Cleared\n");
default :
System.out.println("Wrong Entry \n ");
/** Display tree **/
System.out.print("\nTree = ");
System.out.println("\nDo you want to continue (Type y or n) \n");
ch =;
} while (ch == 'Y'|| ch == 'y');