
In: Nursing

You have funding to provide security for two issues in refugee camps. Which two problems would...

You have funding to provide security for two issues in refugee camps.

Which two problems would you address and why?
Explain in detail how you would deliver your solutions as well.


Expert Solution

I will categorize my selection based on communicable and non-communicable diseases:

-in communicable disease (DIARRHOEA)

-in non-communicable disease(MALNUTRITION)

selection of DIARRHOEA because-

*Diarrhoea occurs most commonly due to food or water that contaminated by stool/feces or also directly from another infected person,because contamination is commonly observed in refugee situations.

-it may also proceeds by cholera,which is common water borne transferable disease seen in refugee areas.

selection of MALNUTRITION because-

*Due to over crowding in refugee areas the amount of food is diluted and the people suffers from malnutrition,and the severity is high if the refugee boundaries have more children.

*In most of the situations disaster occurs suddenly,so the individuals and society mostly in unprepared state with regard to resources.which results in quick evaporation of available resources takes place.


-Risk factors like contaminated food and water should be avoided by proper sanitation by using filtered water supply to refugee camps through water carriers(lorries),and maintaining good quality piped water and sewer connections.

-mainly avoiding open defecation at camps by arranging temporary community toilets for defecation and a proper linked system to collect feces,transporting and disposal away from refugee sites from reserviour of community toilets.

-promoting hand washing by providing soaps after defecation,to implement this we have to motivate the community people

-we have to utilize funds for vaccination against the pathogens that causing diarrohea.vaccines includes rotavirus,cholera vaccine based on demand in that particular area.

-individuals already infected sholud be provided with ORS,oral rehydration theraphy and if severe intravenous treatment is desirable to save life of affected and medicines like loperamide,bismuth subsalicylate to prevent infection to spread.


-Information is power for major relief programs,we have to brush ourselves with statstics for to implement a proper plan to know the boundaries of human and material resources available to distrubute in a way that benfits major people.

-stastics may not give concrete action sometimes in such scenerios we should always give feed back to the workers out in the field,who are primary source of information and secondly always act up on information that sources are bringing.Because implementers knows more problems about particular criteria than policy makers.

-the main problem is taking too long to get things going,to avoid this proper inertia should be maintained .delaying may result in malnutrition of kids which ends up in increase of morbidity rate.mobilizations of international agencies should be quick if our funds are not avoiding the problem.


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