
In: Nursing

MP, a 68-year-old woman, had a severe allergic reaction to shellfish and was taken to the...

MP, a 68-year-old woman, had a severe allergic reaction to shellfish and was taken to the emergency department. She presented with angioedema and anaphylactic shock. A single dose of dexamethasone 100 mg IV (direct IV over 30 seconds) was ordered. MP weighs 65 kg.

Should MP have side effects such as peripheral edema caused by water and sodium retention as a result of tapered prednisone doses? Explain your answer.

Why is MP receiving dexamethasone intravenously? Is the dosage of dexamethasone within the safe therapeutic range? Explain your answer.


Expert Solution

-The reason for Person M receiving dexamethasone IV:

Dexamethasone drug is used to treat patient with allergic reaction. It stops cell immune reactions. Peak action can take place in 1 to 2 hours, and the duration of action stay for 1 to 2 days.

In addition, dexamethasone interacts with other drugs given to the patient to have a quicker cure. Hence, dexamethasone IV was given to person M to improve her immunity as it causes Neutrophilia and prevent her from any side effects when other drugs are given.

-To Determine if dexamethasone drugs are within safe therapeutic range-

  • The dosage of dexamethasone is within safe therapeutic range. Usually, dexamethasone drug can raise the blood sugar level, so antidiabetic drug dosage can be increased.

    When the drug is given with penicillin preparations, the serum potassium level decrease and will not cause any side effects.

-Person M is asked to use dexamethasone IV for getting rid of allergic reaction.

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