
In: Computer Science

Java programming language Write a Java application that simulates a test. The test contains at least...

Java programming language

Write a Java application that simulates a test. The test contains at least five questions. Each question should be a multiple-choice question with 4 options.
Design a QuestionBank class. Use programmer-defined methods to implement your solution. For example:
- create a method to simulate the questions – simulateQuestion
- create a method to check the answer – checkAnswer
- create a method to display a random message for the user – generateMessage
- create a method to interact with the user - inputAnswer
Use a loop to show all the questions.
For each question:
- If the user finds the right answer, display a random congratulatory message (“Excellent!”, ”Good!”, ”Keep up the good work!”, or “Nice work!”).
- If the user responds incorrectly, display an appropriate message and the correct answer (“No. Please try again”, “Wrong. Try once more”, “Don't give up!”, “No. Keep trying..”).
- Use random-number generation to choose a number from 1 to 4 that will be used to select an appropriate response to each answer.
- Use a switch statement to issue the responses, as in the following code:
switch ( randomObject.nextInt( 4 ) )
case 0:
return( "Very good!" );
At the end of the test display the number of correct and incorrect answers, and the percentage of the correct answers.
Your main class will simply create a QuestionBank object ( in the driver class – and start the test by calling inputAnswer method.


Expert Solution

//----- -----------
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
class QuestionBank
   //array of questions.
   private final String[] questions = {
       "What is the Capital of England?",
       "What is the Sum of first 10 numbers?",
       "Which continent is called as Dark Continent?",
       "What is the highest peak in the world?",
       "What is the result of 2 + 3 * 10 / 2 = ?"
   //answers for above questions
   private final String[] answers={
       "Mount Everest",
   //options for each of the above questions.
   private final String[][] options = {
       {"London","New York","Rome","Washington"},
       {"Mount Cameroon","Mount Everest","Chomo Lonzo","Vinson Massif"},
   //random object
   Random randomObject;
   Scanner in;
       randomObject = new Random();
       in = new Scanner(;
   //function that simulates the questions
   //by printing the question and its options for given question index.
   int simulateQuestion(int qInd)
       System.out.println("\n"+(qInd+1)+". "+questions[qInd]);
       int opLen = options[qInd].length;
       for(int i = 0 ; i < opLen ; i++)
           System.out.println("\n"+(char)('a'+i)+". "+options[qInd][i]);
       return qInd;
   //function that takes the option user entered.(a,b,c,d,)
   //and gets the option answer (a -> london) selected and
   //checks the option answer with the answers[qInd]
   boolean checkAnswer(String answer,int qInd)
       if(answer.length() != 1)
           return false;
       int opLen = options[qInd].length;
       String choosenAns="";
       boolean found = false;
       String i_thOp;
       for(int i =0; i<opLen;i++)
           i_thOp = ""+(char)('a'+i);
               choosenAns = options[qInd][i];
               found = true;
           return false;
           return answers[qInd].equals(choosenAns);
   //function that simulates the process.
   //by printing the question , options and checking the answer
   //iterating thorugh all questions.
   void inputAnswer()
       int posScore = 0;
       int negScore = 0;
       for(int i = 0;i<questions.length;i++)
           int qInd = simulateQuestion(i);
           System.out.print("\nEnter your option: ");
           String ans = in.nextLine();
       System.out.println("\nTotal Right Answer: "+posScore);
       System.out.println("Total Wrong Answer: "+negScore);
       float percent = (float)posScore /(posScore + negScore);
       System.out.println(String.format("Percentage of Right Answers: %.2f",percent));
   //function that returns the message
   //for given type.
   //if boolean positive set to true then it returns the random
   //positive messages stored in posMessages array.
   //or else it returns the negative messages in negMessages array.
   String generateMessage(boolean positive)
       //if want to print to positive messsages.
           //positive messages.
               case 0:
                   return "Excellent!";
               case 1:
                   return "Good!";
               case 2:
                   return "Keep up the good work!";
               case 3:
                   return "Nice work!";
           //negative messages
               case 0:
                   return "No. Please try again";
               case 1:
                   return "Wrong. Try once more" ;
               case 2:
                   return "Don't give up!" ;
               case 3:
                   return "No. Keep trying..";
//---------- ------------
class QuestionBankTest
   public static void main(String[] args)
       QuestionBank driver = new QuestionBank();

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