
In: Computer Science

Programming language= In Java and Oracle Sql You are required to develop a simple HR application...

Programming language= In Java and Oracle Sql

You are required to develop a simple HR application for a small accounting firm that wishes
to keep track of all the employees at the firm; storing details about their salary, phone numbers
and Date of Birth. The firm has many departments and there are 5 to 20 employees in each
department. The department information includes department name, description and total
number of employees in that department. The company also provides vehicles for some of its
employees. An employee maybe allocated one car. To ensure timely maintenance of vehicle,
the company would like to store the following details of the vehicle: make, model,
Each employee has a position (manager, accountant, administrator, clerk, etc.). Various
allowances are allocated to each position. For example, the managers have fuel allowance,
house allowance, social allowance and managers allowance. On the other hand, the
administrators have house allowance and social allowance. Clerks have social allowance and
uniform allowance. The name and description of each allowance needs to be stored.
The HR system keeps track of all Projects in the organization. Each department is assigned to
one or more project. Project can be assigned to one or more department (Interdisciplinary
Each HR Employee has his own credentials to login into the system to manipulate the database.
The HR credentials are stored in a table (Login). You will also need a table to store transactions
(Transaction Date/Time and User Name).
The system must store employees’ grades. Each employee will have a grade (Example A, B,
C). The grade should have a predefined salary range.
You need to have the following constraints in your system: The employee’s salary should be
between the grade range (Example: Grade A - Salary between 30000-50000). Employee’s
phone number and Date of Birth should not be empty. Vehicle next maintenance is within 6
month of current date. Each position should not exceed the predefined allowances.

Part A:
Include the following before drawing the ERD:
a. Write the business rules.
b. Identify all Entities and attributes
c. Identify Primary key and Foreign Key in each table/Entity
d. Identify the Relationships between Entities.
e. Resolve any M:N relationship between the entities.
Part B:
Draw the ERD using any Data Modelling Software.
Part C:
Create the SQL script to create tables and insert at least five record in each table.
Part D:
The System must provide the following functionalities:
1- Login Screen with a Username and Password for HR Employees only. Username and
password must be retrieved from a table.
2- Add a new Employee.
3- Remove (Drop) an Employee. Retrieve employee by ID and then perform transaction.
4- Update employee’s salary.
5- Calculate the total amount of allowances. Need to enter Employee ID to retrieve data.
6- The system must fire a SQL trigger whenever adding a new employee. The trigger
must store the following information (Date/Time transaction and the Username)
7- The System must provide the following reports:
7-1- Employee History (Include: Employee Name, Department Name, Position).
7-2- Vehicle History (Include: Employee Name, Vehicle Model).
7-3- List Employee’s allowances. Need to enter Employee ID to retrieve data.
Part E:
Create the Screens using Java Swing Windows Builder
Task Percentage
Develop ERD 30%
SQL Script 10%
1 10%
2,3,4,5 20%
6,7 20%
GUI 10%
1. Submitting Due Date: 25th of April 2020.
2. The grade for the project is 10 points distributed as follows:
2.1 Project (ERD + SQL Script (Schema) + Java Application source code + Report)
2.2 Discussion and project demo (20%):
3. Copying and/or plagiarism (-100%)
4. Program does not compile (-50%)
5. In case of late submission, (-10%) for each day of delay.
6. No Teamwork effort (-20).
7. Each group can have two to three students.
8. Include all work in one ZIP file (


Expert Solution

Part A:

  1. Business Rules: The given system will have below rules:

Rule #1: Department will have minimum 5 to maximum 20 employees

Rule #2: Employees will have unique Emp_ID

Rule #3: Some employees of HR_Employee type will have username and password.

Rule #4: Car can be assigned to one or none employee.

Rule #5: Employee can have 0 or one car.

Rule #6: Multiple allowances will be given to multiple employees

Rule #7: Multiple departments will handle multiple projects.

Rule #8: A project can be assigned to multiple departments.

Rule #9: An employee will has assigned Grade.

Rule #10: Transactions will be stored for HR_Employees

  1. Entities and attributes:
  • Department(Department_Name, Description , Total_Employees)
  • Employees(Emp_ID, salary, Phone_numbers, DateofBirth, Position, Department_Name)
  • HR_Employee(username, password); it is a sub-entity of the entity Employee
  • Car(Car_ID, Make, Model,Next_maintenance_date, Emp_ID)
  • Allowance(Name, Description, Amount )
  • Project(Project_ID, Name)
  • Transaction(Transaction_ID, DateTime, Username)
  • Grade(Grade_Name, Min_Salary, Max_Salary)
  1. Primary key and Foreign keys of tables/entities:
  • Department:
    • Primary key: Department_Name
  • Employees:
    • Primary key: Emp_ID
    • Foreign key: Department_Name
  • Car:
    • Primary key: Car_ID
    • Foreign key: Emp_ID
  • Allowance:
    • Primary key: Name
  • Project:
    • Primary key: Project_ID
  • Transaction:
    • Transaction_ID
    • Foreign key: Username
  • Grade:
    • Primary key: Grade_Name
  1. Relationship between entities:
  • Department to Employee: A department can have minimum 5 to maximum 20 employees. It is a 1:M relationship.
  • Employee to Car: A Car is assigned to 1 employee whereas an employee can have 0 or 1 car. It is a 1:1 relationship.
  • Employee to Allowance: An employee can have one or more allowance whereas an allowance can be allocated to one or more employees. It is a M:N relationship.
  • HR_Employee to Transation: An HR employee can have one or many transactions whereas a transaction deals with one employee record. It is a 1:M relationship.
  • Project to Department: A department can have many projects similarly a project can be assigned to many departments. It is a M:N relationship.
  • Employee to Grade: Each employee will have one Grade whereas many employees can have same grade. It is a M:1 relationship.
  1. Resolving M:N relationship:

The listed relationships under d) has below relationships of M:N cardinalities:

  • Employee to Allowance: The same needs to be stored in separate entity to resolve the M:N relationship. Please find below entity/table to store the allowances for employees:

Emp_Allowance(Emp_ID, Allowance_Name)

Primary key: (Emp_ID, Allowance_Name)

Foreign key: Emp_ID from Employee

Allowance_Name from Allowance

  • Project to Department: The same needs to be stored in separate entity to resolve the M:N relationship. Please find below entity/table to store the departments and corresponding projects:

Department_Projects(Department_name, Project_ID, start_date, end_date)

Primary key(Department_name , Project_ID)

Department_name foreign key from Department

project_ID foreign key from Project

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