Provide a discussion on each of the following topics. When necessary, define the term, explain the...

Provide a discussion on each of the following topics. When necessary, define the term, explain the term, discuss the purpose and use, and provide sample calculations.

[1] Live load and its variation with tributary area [Tributary Reduction Factor] for a column in a multi-story building.

[2] Design Principles for Structures, and the philosophies behind “Limit States Design”.

In: Civil Engineering

Multi-wells are used for dewatering at an excavation site. The dimension of the excavation pit is...

Multi-wells are used for dewatering at an excavation site. The dimension of the excavation pit is 150 m × 200 m. The height of the phreatic level above the impermeable layer before pumping is 15 m. The height of the phreatic level at the center of excavation pit after pumping is 6 m. The soil permeability k = 2.3×10-5 m/s. The wells have a diameter of 200 mm. Determine the number of wells required for this dewatering project

In: Civil Engineering

Study case about asbestos pollution and treatment by encapsulation please mention study region and everything .

Study case about asbestos pollution and treatment by encapsulation please mention study region and everything .

In: Civil Engineering

Vehicles arrive at a toll both starting at 7:00 A.M. at a rate of λ(t) =...

Vehicles arrive at a toll both starting at 7:00 A.M. at a rate of λ(t) = 5.1 – 0.05t [with λ(t) in veh/min and t in minutes after 7:00 A.M.]. The first operator processes cars at a rate of 3 veh/minute 7:00 A.M. until 7:15 A.M when the person leaves because of illness. From 7:15 A.M to 7:25 A.M, no one is at the toll booth but a new operator arrives at 7:25 A.M and processes at a rate of μ(t) = 8 + 0.3t [with μ(t) in veh/min and t in minutes after 7:25 A.M.]. Assuming D/D/1 queuing, what is the maximum queue length (in vehicles) and the average delay per vehicle?

In: Civil Engineering

A 2 by 4 wood beam (E = 2000 ksi) with an allowable flexural stress of...

A 2 by 4 wood beam (E = 2000 ksi) with an allowable flexural stress of 1200 psi is subjected to bending around it's strong axis. Determine the % increase in flexural moment capacity if the beam is reinforced by 2 0.25" steel (E = 30000 ksi) plates with an allowable flexural stress of 24000 psi at the top and the bottom of the beam respectively.

In: Civil Engineering

In sedimentation design, depth is not used for performance (removal) calculations. However, a minimum clarifier depth...

In sedimentation design, depth is not used for performance (removal) calculations. However, a minimum clarifier depth (side water depth) is often specified. Why?

In: Civil Engineering

A 10 m wide road is to be constructed across a site where the soil profile...

A 10 m wide road is to be constructed across a site where the soil profile consists of 3 m of sand, overlying 1 m of peat, over a deep sand deposit. The water table is 1 m below the soil surface. The road pavement applies a uniform stress of 20 kPa to the underlying soil. The peat is lightly over-consolidated with an over-consolidation ratio of 1.25, has a uniform void ratio, e = 2.0, a re-compression index, Cr = 0.2, a compression index, Cc =1, and a specific gravity, Gs = 2.5. The sand can be assumed to be incompressible, with d = 17 kN/m3 and sat = 20 kN/m3 . Calculate the settlement beneath the centre and beneath an edge of the road.

The answer is 28.8mm beneath the centre and 6.4mm under the edge but I can't understand why.

In: Civil Engineering

Considering the entire procurement process (i.e., bidding through the contract award periods), what type of bonds...

Considering the entire procurement process (i.e., bidding through the contract award periods), what type of bonds are normally required to be provided by a bidder/proposer to be awarded a public works construction project?

In: Civil Engineering

A downgrade of 5.0% meets an upgrade of 4.0%. This curve passes through the lowest point...

A downgrade of 5.0% meets an upgrade of 4.0%. This curve passes through the lowest point at 20 metres to the right of the intersection point

1. Find the length of the curve.

2. The reduced level at chainage 2450m, which is located on the downgrade, is 214.5m on the gradeline. The reduced level of the curve at the lowest point is 210m. Find the chainage at the lowest point.

3. Find the chainages and reduced levels of the two tangent points.

In: Civil Engineering

In Surveying in the PLSS: Match which method to use to set the lost corner type:...

In Surveying in the PLSS:

Match which method to use to set the lost corner type:

1 .Land Grant Corner

[ Choose One ] 2 point control, Grant boundary method, Single point control, Double proportion, Modified single proportion, Single proportion with curve adjustment , 3 point control, Single proportion      

2. 1/4 corner

[ Choose One ] 2 point control, Grant boundary method, Single point control, Double proportion, Modified single proportion, Single proportion with curve adjustment , 3 point control, Single proportion   

3. Section Corner interior of a township

[ Choose One ] 2 point control, Grant boundary method, Single point control, Double proportion, Modified single proportion, Single proportion with curve adjustment , 3 point control, Single proportion   

4. Corner on the baseline

[ Choose One ] 2 point control, Grant boundary method, Single point control, Double proportion, Modified single proportion, Single proportion with curve adjustment , 3 point control, Single proportion   

5. Township corner common to two townships

[ Choose One ] 2 point control, Grant boundary method, Single point control, Double proportion, Modified single proportion, Single proportion with curve adjustment , 3 point control, Single proportion

6. Meander corner where measure terminated

[ Choose One ] 2 point control, Grant boundary method, Single point control, Double proportion, Modified single proportion, Single proportion with curve adjustment , 3 point control, Single proportion   

7. Section corner common to only one section

[ Choose One ] 2 point control, Grant boundary method, Single point control, Double proportion, Modified single proportion, Single proportion with curve adjustment , 3 point control, Single proportion   

8. Corner on range line with angle point in the record

[ Choose One ] 2 point control, Grant boundary method, Single point control, Double proportion, Modified single proportion, Single proportion with curve adjustment , 3 point control, Single proportion

In: Civil Engineering

Give one Material Category and its Component that have Interesting Technology in the fields of Materials...

Give one Material Category and its Component that have Interesting Technology in the fields of Materials Science And Engineering (MSE).

  • Description of what you researched.
  • How it relates to MSE.
  • Why it is of interest to you.
  • How it has been or will be used (application).
  • How it might help society.

In: Civil Engineering

In the accompanying figure (Figure 1), the X and Y coordinates (in meters) of station A...

In the accompanying figure (Figure 1), the X and Y coordinates (in meters) of station A are 1007.673 and 1869.166, respectively, and those of station B are 1565.021 and 648.185, respectively. Angle BAP was measured as 308∘56′39′′ and angle ABP was measured as 58∘53′30′′. What are the coordinates of station P?

In: Civil Engineering

Question 1 Stress is defined as 1. Force x Area 2. Force - Area 3. Force...

Question 1

  1. Stress is defined as


    Force x Area


    Force - Area


    Force + Area



10 points

Question 2

  1. Stress value below the earth surface depends on:


    Density of soil particles


    Depth of the point at consideration


    Both 1 and 2


    None of the answers

10 points

Question 3

  1. Neutral Stress results from:


    Soil particles


    Seismic activity


    Both water and soil


    Water table

10 points

Question 4

  1. In a soil with lateral stress coefficient K = 0.9, a vertical stress of 1000 psf is applied, the horizontal stress is:


    Not known


    1000 psf


    100 psf


    900 psf

10 points

Question 5

  1. Stresses in deeper layers of soil are:


    Applied on building footprint area


    Applied on a larger area than the building footprint


    Can't be calculated


    Applied on a smaller area than building footprint

10 points

Question 6

  1. For a point 6 ft below the soil surface, what is the stress in psf, given that the soil density is 120 pcf


    120 psf


    6 pcf


    620 pcf


    720 psf

10 points

Question 7

  1. The angle at which the soil tend to rest when left unsupported on the ground is called:


    Angle of repose


    Angle of internal friction


    Both 1 and 2


    None of the answers

10 points

Question 8

  1. In clay soil, the shear strength is a result of:


    Cohesion coefficient


    Confinement of soil


    Both 1 and 2


    Bearing capacity

10 points

Question 9

  1. In a given soil, cohesion coefficient C is 200 psf, the angle of internal friction is 30, and a compressive stress of 1000 psf is applied, shear strength will be




    777 psf


    200 psf


    500 psf

10 points

Question 10

  1. Vane shear strength test is applied for:


    A soft clay layer with 10 ft depth


    soft clay layers with no depth limitation


    gravel layers


    Any soil

In: Civil Engineering

If the general contractor on a project decided to further pursue his/her claims to dispute methods...

If the general contractor on a project decided to further pursue his/her claims to dispute methods beyond adjudication, what are the possible options? List the advantages and disadvantages of each one of such options.

In regards to construction contracts.

In: Civil Engineering

If the owner of the project experienced delayed financial funding from the bank, is he/she allowed...

If the owner of the project experienced delayed financial funding from the bank, is he/she allowed to delay the payment of the moneys due to the contractor? Explain.

In regards to construction contracts.

In: Civil Engineering