The ordinates of rainfall mass curve of a storm over a basin of area 850 km2...

The ordinates of rainfall mass curve of a storm over a basin of area 850 km2 measured in mm at 1 hour intervals are 0, 10, 22, 30, 39, 45.5, 50, 55.5, 60, 64 and 68. If the infiltration during this storm can be represented by horton’s equation with fo=6.5 mm/hr, fc=1.5 mm/hr and k=0.15 /hr. Estimate the resulting runoff volume.

In: Civil Engineering

List the advantages and disadvantages of each type. Design Specs Performance Specs Reference Standard Specs Proprietary...

List the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Design Specs

Performance Specs

Reference Standard Specs

Proprietary Specs

Answer the following about the attached specification:

What is the division?

What is the spec section?

Copy/paste ONE Article from Part 1.

Copy/paste ONE Paragraph from Part 2.

Is this a design spec, performance spec, reference standard spec, proprietary spec, or some combination of these? Explain.

This IBC

In: Civil Engineering

A simply supported beam is required to carry a moment of 50 kip-ft across a 25'...

A simply supported beam is required to carry a moment of 50 kip-ft across a 25' span. Assuming that 4 and 8 ksi concrete are available, with a cost difference of 30 percent. Use 60 ksi steel. Beam width is fixed at 12 inches. You can Vary h.

a)design the beam using 2 different concretes - dont forget beta is different.

In: Civil Engineering

This question is referring to a concrete beam with steel rebar reinforcement, For a simply supported...

This question is referring to a concrete beam with steel rebar reinforcement,

For a simply supported beam with width 10 inches and depth 14 inches design the steel to resist a maximum moment of 50 kip feet. span=15 feet. Concrete 4 ksi. steel is 60 ksi.

In: Civil Engineering

For Federici, how is sexuality a form of labor for women? What does the labor consist...

For Federici, how is sexuality a form of labor for women? What does the labor consist of? How is it connected to other forms of labor women are expected to do, such as housework or child-care?

In: Civil Engineering

By using HCM Find the level of service LOS for the peak direction of a 2-mile...

By using HCM Find the level of service LOS for the peak direction of a 2-mile section of a rural highway with the following characteristics: • Rural, two-lane highway, Class I • Rolling terrain • Design speed = 55 mph • 12 ft travel lanes, 6 ft shoulders • 60% no-passing zones (both directions) • No access points • AADT (in design year) = 8,000 vpd • 10% trucks, 5% RVs • K = 12% • D = 55% (in direction of increasing station) • PHF = 0.9

In: Civil Engineering

Identify major sustainable building rating systems used in the United States. Compare and contrast these systems...

Identify major sustainable building rating systems used in the United States. Compare and contrast these systems covering the following aspects. Please provide list of references used at the end. You can use table to do side-byside comparison.

In: Civil Engineering

According to the far-field airblast approach, the overpressure depends on the weight of charge which is...

According to the far-field airblast approach, the overpressure depends on the weight of charge which is different than what we know in the explosives/shock physics during the explosives detonation (CJ pressure is constant in any charge size). Explain why it occurs.

In: Civil Engineering

Compare and contrast Portland cement concrete and mortar.

Compare and contrast Portland cement concrete and mortar.

In: Civil Engineering

List and define the five types of mortar and provide an application of each type.

List and define the five types of mortar and provide an application of each type.

In: Civil Engineering

1. What are the advantages of arbitration over litigation? How do you commence arbitration? 2. What...

1. What are the advantages of arbitration over litigation? How do you commence arbitration?

2. What are the actions parties can take if one of the arbitrators has been absent for an unreasonable length of time?

3. What is the significance of filing a Request for Arbitration or Notice of Arbitration? Is an arbitration agreement a condition precedent to the filing of an action in court? What is an arbitration agreement?

In: Civil Engineering

Research how engineers dispose of the waste produced by the generation of nuclear energy. Be specific...

Research how engineers dispose of the waste produced by the generation of nuclear energy. Be specific and provide details. Please cite all your sources.
Explain in detail regulations and environmental concerns that may apply (include a minimum of three – more is better). Be specific and provide details. Please cite all your sources.
Which field(s) of engineering are involved with these disposal Projects?
Are these fields of engineering of interest to you? Why or why not. Explain in detail

In: Civil Engineering

Explain what is a Nanoscale robot What are they used for today (provide three examples) Propose...

Explain what is a Nanoscale robot
What are they used for today (provide three examples)
Propose three future possible uses of Nanoscale robots in the future – explain your answer. Be specific and provide details. Please cite all your sources.

In: Civil Engineering

2. How are water distribution systems categorized?

2. How are water distribution systems categorized?

In: Civil Engineering

How might we think of this novel “Under thr Feet of Jesus” as not only about...

How might we think of this novel “Under thr Feet of Jesus” as not only about farm labor but also about the way in which work is gendered? How much is this novel about what is sometimes termed (inaccurately I might add) "women's work" or "domestic labor"?

In: Civil Engineering