
In: Computer Science

Design a class named Account that contains: A private String data field named accountNumber for the...

Design a class named Account that contains:

A private String data field named accountNumber for the account (default AC000).

A private double data field named balance for the account (default 0).

A private double data field named annualIntRate that stores the current interest rate (default 0). Assume all accounts have the same interest rate.

A private Date data field named dateCreated that stores the date when the account was created.

A no-arg constructor that creates a default account.

A constructor that creates an account with the specified account number and initial balance.

The accessor and mutator methods for accountNumber, balance, and annualIntRate

The accessor method for dateCreated. A method named getMonthlyIntRate() that returns the monthly interest rate (see note below).

A method named getMonthlyInt() that returns the monthly interest (see note below).

A method named withdraw that withdraws a specified amount from the account, do not allow withdrawing and give appropriate message if the withdraw amount is more than the balance.

A method named deposit that deposits a specified amount to the account, do not allow depositing if the amount is negative. Write java codes for the class. Note that you need to write java codes for all methods except the following methods: getMonthlyIntRate(), and getMonthlyInt(). However, for these two methods you need to write method header.

Write a test program that creates an Account object with an account number of AC1111, a balance of $25,000, and an annual interest rate of 3.5. Use the withdraw method to withdraw $3,500, use the deposit method to deposit $3,500, and print the balance, the monthly interest, and the date when this account was created


Expert Solution

The following code consists of a Account Class which has data fields as accountNumber , balance , annualIntRate and dateCreated ..and two constructors as default and parameterised constructor ..and various accessor and mutator methods for the data fields ..also consists of withdraw , deposist functions and getMonthlyInt and getMonthIntRate whose function definiton has been assumed.

Code snippet and Screenshot

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package bank;

import java.util.Date;

 * @author vijay

class Account{
    private String accountNumber;//stores the account number
    private double balance;//stores the balance
    private double annualIntRate;//stores the annual interest rate
    private Date dateCreated ;//stores the date created
    Account()//NO argument constructor
        accountNumber="AC000";//set account number to default value
        balance=0;//set default balance
        annualIntRate=0;//set annualIntRate as default
        dateCreated=new Date();//initialize date as current date
    Account(String accountNumber,double balance)//Parameterised constructor
        this.accountNumber=accountNumber;//initialise accountNumber
        this.balance=balance;//initialise balance
       annualIntRate=3.5;//set annualIntRate to 3.5 as given in question
       dateCreated=new Date();//initialize date as current date
    String getAccountNumber() //accessor method for accountNumber
        return accountNumber;
    double getBalance()//accessor method for balance
        return balance;
    double getAnnualIntRate()//accessor method for annualIntRate
        return annualIntRate;
    Date getDateCreated()//accessor method for dateCreated
        return dateCreated;
    void setAccountNumber(String accountNumber)//mutator method for accountNumber
    void setBalance(double balance)//mutator method for balance
    void setAnnualIntRate(double annualIntRate)//mutator method for annualIntRate
    double getMonthlyIntRate()//returns the monthly interest rate
        return annualIntRate/12;//assumed the definition
    double getMonthlyInt()//returns the monthly interest
        return ((annualIntRate)/1200)*balance;//assumeed the definition
    void withdraw(double amount)//withdraws a particular amount from account
        if(amount>balance)//check if amount exceeds balance
            System.out.println("Insufficient balance");//notify the user
            balance-=amount;//deduct the amount from balance
            System.out.println("Successfully withdrawed "+amount);//notify the user
    void deposit(double amount)//deposits a particular amount in account
       if(amount<=0)//check if amount is negative
           System.out.println("amount deposited must be greater than 0");//notify the user
           balance+=amount;//add the amount in balance
            System.out.println("Successfully deposited "+amount);//notify the user

public class Bank {

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO code application logic here
        //Input as given in question
   Account accn=new Account("AC1111",25000);
   double withdrawalAmount=3500;
   double deposited=3500;
   System.out.println("Balance :"+ accn.getBalance()+"\nMonthly interest :"+accn.getMonthlyInt()+"\nAccount created on :"+accn.getDateCreated());


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