In: Psychology
Who were the Victorians, and what were some of the factors that made their existence possible? Link the factors you choose to their world view and how they saw their place. (Remember - try to think about this using Hegel's dialectic method).
The Hegelian dialectic theory states that mankind can only reach its highest spiritual consciousness through the endless self-perpetuating struggle between ideas, and the eventual synthesizing of all opposites.
The Victorian era is the period of Queen Victoria's regime from 20 June 1837 until her death on 22 January 1901. The central feature of Victorian-era politics is the search for reform and improvements of individual personality and the society. The reform on individual began from discipline in the home, and self-examination for the smallest faults and needs of improvement. Awareness among the people against evil practices was brought to like through intense propaganda.
Victorian values emerged in all classes and reached all facets of Victorian living Slavery was ended in all the British colonies. The Victorian era can describe as a set of values that espouse sexual restraint, low tolerance of crime and a strict social code of conduct. Through a law cruelty to animals were abolished and using the dogs to pull cart was absolutely ban, as it was a source of spreading rabies There was a spirit of libertarianism, Taxes were very low, and government restrictions were minimal. The mid-Victorian era was truly a golden era as people per capita income increased, Industrialization took place, This era was the development of engineering, science technology communication transportation, This era saw the increase in international communication and trade, The factors Victorian choose to live with people as a family by improving their overall status in all the field of life nationally as well as internationally, Sanitation reforms in the crowded, dirty streets improved public health, The children of Victorian family too were working like an ordinary public in, The Victorian era definitely comply with Hegel’s dialectic theory that mankind can only reach its highest spiritual consciousness through the endless self-perpetuating struggle between ideas, and the eventual synthesizing of all opposites.