In: Accounting
USD/TRY = 7,3822
EUR / TRY = 8,7550
GBP/USD = 1,3341
GBP/TRY = 9,8886
USD/NZD = 1,4802
EUR / JPY = 125,7911
What should be the EUR / TRY exchange rate that will not allow
arbitrage after 5 months?
When an individual sells goods and services in a foreign currency, a foreign exchange benefit / loss takes place. When translated to the seller's local currency, the value of the foreign currency is different depending on the exchange rate. The seller would have made a foreign currency benefit as the currency value rises after conversion.
However, the seller has sustained a foreign exchange loss if the currency value is declined after the conversion. If the actual exchange rate can not be calculated at the precise moment the transaction is accepted, the next exchange rate available will be used for the conversion calculation.