In: Operations Management
Explain in your own words several reasons why females' restrooms are more congested than men's. Discuss why gender-neutral restrooms become more and more popular these days. Propose ideas to solve females' restroom congestion problem.
A recent survey states that 59% of the women are having a congestion problem compared to 11% of the men. Apart from the toilet design or infrastructure, it is also the attributes of the women that result in a long time for them to their business. Some of the main reasons are:
Gender-neutral restrooms also commonly referred to as Unisex restrooms are being used in many places to avoid such congestions as it can also benefit a range of people with or without special needs. The other main advantage of the unisex restrooms is that it can benefit transgenders to use them more freely as in countries especially in the developing Asian countries like India, Pakistan, etc., there are no separate restrooms for them. Space is another factor that is available more in the unisex restrooms instead of separating them into two.
Some of the ways to solve the congestion in the female restroom are: