
In: Psychology

Now that you studied psychoanalytic and neo-analytic theories, you understand the importance of childhood and parenting...

Now that you studied psychoanalytic and neo-analytic theories, you understand the importance of childhood and parenting on personality. Our society requires that its members obtain specific training and earn credentials before they are permitted to engage in several significant activities, such as practicing medicine or driving a car. As we cannot deny the significance of parenting children, almost anyone who is biologically capable of reproducing is permitted in our society to do so without any prerequisites.

Should we require a license for engaging in the activity of parenting? Why or Why not?

If credentialing procedures were established, what should the prerequisites be?


Expert Solution

Yes, we should require a license for engaging in the activity of parenting because it is important for parents to possess good parenting skills. Childhood is the base of the individual life. That builds the individual's behaviour. And some parents know how to give birth to child but don't know how to handle the child. And that affects the whole life of the child.

There are many parents who are very good in parenting but there also some parents who have no concern for their child. So we are unable to know about the parenting style of every parent. So we have to require the license to every parents who want to give birth to child for the protection of child like there is a driving license for the protection of the individual. So there should also be licensing for the parents for the safety and good parenting for the child.

If credentialing procedures were established, these should the prerequisites be :-

* Anger control - As it is not easy to handlw a child because they are very naughty in their young age and do very silly things which is some time cute and some time annoying. So it is very important for parent to control their emotion that is anger. So they dont beat, shout and abuse every thime when they do something annoying.

* Old norms - Parents followed those which is going on their time of childhood. But parents have to change with the time because it create generation gap. Because of the time, every thing change. So child also have to feel free. They can't have to feel restrict because it restrict their thinking skills and behaviour.

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