
In: Computer Science

Propositional Logic Using operator properties and other logical equivalences (not truth tables), prove these statements. 1....

Propositional Logic

Using operator properties and other logical equivalences (not truth tables), prove these statements.

1. ((p→r)∧(q→r)∧(p∨q))→r (tautology)

2. ¬(q→p)∧(p∧q∧s→r)∧p (contradiction)

3. (p→q)∧(p→r)≡p→(q∧r)


Expert Solution

1. ((p→r)∧(q→r)∧(p∨q))→r (tautology)
((p→r)∧(q→r)∧(p∨q))→r = ((p' v r)∧(q→r)∧(p∨q))→r [As x→y =x' v y ]
   = ((p' v r)∧(q' v r)∧(p∨q))→r [As x→y =x' v y ]
   =( (p'∧q' v p'∧r v r∧q' v r∧r)∧(p∨q))→r [By distributive law ]
     =( (p'∧q' v p'∧r v r∧q' v r)∧(p∨q))→r [r∧r = r, By Idempotence law ]
   =( (p'∧q' v p'∧r v r)∧(p∨q))→r   [ r∧q' v r = r , By Absorption law ]
   =( (p'∧q' v r)∧(p∨q))→r [ p'∧r v r = r , By Absorption law ]
=( ( (p v q)' v r)∧(p∨q))→r [p'∧q' =(p v q)' By Demorgans law ]
= ( (p v q)'∧(p∨q) v r∧(p∨q))→r [By distributive law ]
   = ( F v r∧(p∨q))→r [ As X' ∧ X =F, By Negation Law]
   = (r∧(p∨q))→r [ By Identity law ]
   =( r∧(p∨q))' v r   [As x→y =x' v y ]
   = ( r' v (p∨q)') v r [ By Demorgans law ]
   =r' v r v (p∨q)' [By Associative Law ]
= T v (p∨q)' [r' v r =T By Negatitaion Law ]
   = T [ T v X= T By Domination Law ]

Therefore, ((p→r)∧(q→r)∧(p∨q))→r is Tautology .
Hence, proved

2. ¬(q→p)∧(p∧q∧s→r)∧p is contradiction

¬(q→p)∧(p∧q∧s→r)∧p = ¬(q' v p)∧(p∧q∧s→r)∧p   [As x→y =x' v y ]
=(q∧p')∧(p∧q∧s→r)∧p [ By Demorgan's law ]
=(q∧p')∧p∧(p∧q∧s→r) [ By associative law ]
   = q∧(p'∧p)∧(p∧q∧s→r) [ By associative law ]
=q ∧F∧(p∧q∧s→r) [ X' ∧ X =F By Negatiation law ]  
   =F ∧(p∧q∧s→r) [ F ∧ X =F ]
   = F
Therefore , ¬(q→p)∧(p∧q∧s→r)∧p is contradiction.


Let us take a left hand side.
(p→q)∧(p→r) = (p' v q ) ∧ (p' v r)    [As x→y =x' v y ]
   = ((p' v q ) ∧ p') v ( (p' v q ) ∧ r) [ By Distributive Law ]
   = p' v ( (p' v q ) ∧ r) [ By Absorption law ]
   = p' v p' ∧ r v q ∧ r [ By Distributive Law ]
= p' v q ∧ r [ p' v p' ∧ r = p' By absorption law ]
=p→(q∧r) [ As p→(q∧r) = p' v q ∧ r ]   

Hence, proved.

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