
In: Computer Science

Task 1: Class Term The class Term encapsulates the coefficient and exponent of a single term....

Task 1: Class Term

The class Term encapsulates the coefficient and exponent of a single term. Exponents are limited in range from 0 to 99.

public class Term : IComparable


private double coefficient;

private integer exponent;

// Creates a term with the given coefficient and exponent

public Term (double coefficient, integer exponent)

{ … }

// Evaluates the current term at x

public double Evaluate (double x)

{ … }

// Returns -1, 0, or 1 if the exponent of the current term

// is less than, equal to, or greater than the exponent of obj

public int CompareTo (Object obj)

{ … }

// Returns a string representation of the current term

public override string ToString( )

{ … }

// Implement read and write properties for each data member

// The set property of exponent should throw an

// ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the exponent parameter

// of the constructor is less than 0 or greater than 99.


Task 2: Class Polynomial (Version 1)

The class Polynomial (Version 1) is implemented as a singly linked list of terms ordered by exponent. Each polynomial is also reduced to simplest terms, that is, only one term for a given exponent. The linked list implementation is supported by the generic Node class.

public class Node


Public T Item { get; set; }

Public Node Next; { get; set; }

public Node (T item, Node next)

{ … }


public class Polynomial


// A reference to the first node of a singly linked list

private Node front;

// Creates the polynomial 0

public Polynomial ( )

{ }

// Inserts term t into the current polynomial in its proper order

// If a term with the same exponent already exists then the two terms are added together

public void AddTerm (Term t)

{ … }

// Adds polynomials p and q to yield a new polynomial

public static Polynomial operator + (Polynomial p, Polynomial q)

{ … }

// Multiplies polynomials p and q to yield a new polynomial

public static Polynomial operator * (Polynomial p, Polynomial q)

{ … }

// Evaluates the current polynomial at x

public double Evaluate (double x)

{ … }

// Prints the current polynomial

public void Print ( )

{ … }


Task 3: Class Polynomial (Version 2,)

In a separate namespace, the class Polynomial (Version 2) re-implements a polynomial as a linear array of terms ordered by exponent. Each polynomial is also reduced to simplest terms, that is, only one term for a given exponent.

public class Polynomial


// P is a linear array of Terms

private Term[ ] P;

// Re-implement the six methods of Polynomial (including the constructor)



Expert Solution

Please find code for Task1,Task2 in c#

using System;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    public class Term: IComparable<Term>
        private double coefficient;

        private int exponent;

        // Creates a term with the given coefficient and exponent

        public Term(double coefficient, int exponent)
            if(exponent>99 || exponent<0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            this.coefficient = coefficient;
            this.exponent = exponent;

        // Evaluates the current term at x

        public double Evaluate(double x)
            double res;
            res = coefficient * Math.Pow(x, exponent);
            return res;

        // Returns a string representation of the current term

        public override string ToString()
            string outp=String.Empty;
            outp = coefficient + "^" + exponent;
            return outp;

        public int getExponent()   {  return this.exponent; }
        public double getCoefficient() { return this.coefficient; }
        public void setExponent(int exp) {
            if (exponent > 99 || exponent < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            this.exponent = exp;
        public void setcoefficient(double coe) { this.coefficient = coe; }
        // Returns -1, 0, or 1 if the exponent of the current term

        // is less than, equal to, or greater than the exponent of obj
        public int CompareTo(Term obj)
            int res = 0;
            if (this.exponent > obj.exponent)
                res = 1;
            else if (this.exponent < obj.exponent)
                res = -1;
                res = 0;
            return res;
using System;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    public class Polynomial
       // A reference to the first node of a singly linked list
        private Node front;
        // Creates the polynomial 0
        public Polynomial()
            front = null;
        // Inserts term t into the current polynomial in its proper order
        // If a term with the same exponent already exists then the two terms are added together
        public void AddTerm(Term t)
            Node node= new Node(t, null); 
            Node temp,pre;
            if (front== null)
                front = node;
                temp = front;
                pre = null;
                while (temp.Next!= null && temp.Item.getExponent() >= t.getExponent())
                    pre = temp;                   
                    temp = temp.Next;
                if (temp.Item.getExponent() < t.getExponent())
                    pre.Next = node;
                    node.Next = temp;
                else if(temp.Item.getExponent() == t.getExponent())
                    double sumcoe = temp.Item.getCoefficient() + t.getCoefficient();
                    temp.Next = node;

        // Adds polynomials p and q to yield a new polynomial
        public static Polynomial operator +(Polynomial p, Polynomial q)
            Polynomial sum = new Polynomial();
            Node temp1 = p.front;
            Node temp2 = q.front;
            while (temp1 != null && temp2!=null)
                if (temp1.Item.getExponent() == temp2.Item.getExponent())
                    double sumcoe = temp1.Item.getCoefficient() + temp2.Item.getCoefficient();
                    sum.AddTerm(new Term(sumcoe, temp1.Item.getExponent()));

                temp1 = temp1.Next;
                temp2 = temp2.Next;

            return sum;

        public static int length(Polynomial p)
            Node temp1 = p.front;
            int count = 0;
            while (temp1 != null)
                temp1 = temp1.Next;
            return count;

        // Multiplies polynomials p and q to yield a new polynomial
        public static Polynomial operator *(Polynomial p, Polynomial q)
            Polynomial mul = new Polynomial();
            return mul;

        // Evaluates the current polynomial at x
        public double Evaluate(double x)
            double res = 0;
            Node temp;
            temp = front;
            while (temp != null)
                res = res + temp.Item.Evaluate(x);
                temp = temp.Next;
            return res;
        // Prints the current polynomial
        public void Print()
            Node temp;
            temp = front;
            string output = String.Empty;
            while (temp != null)
                 output += "+"+temp.Item.ToString();   
                 output += "-"+temp.Item.ToString();
                temp = temp.Next;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Polynomial p = new Polynomial();
            p.AddTerm(new Term(2, 5));
            p.AddTerm(new Term(5, 2));
            p.AddTerm(new Term(4, 1));
            p.AddTerm(new Term(4, 4));
            p.AddTerm(new Term(4, 3));

            Polynomial q = new Polynomial();
            q.AddTerm(new Term(2, 5));
            q.AddTerm(new Term(5, 2));
            q.AddTerm(new Term(4, 1));
            q.AddTerm(new Term(4, 4));
            Polynomial sum = p + q;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    public class Node
        public Term Item { get; set; }
        public Node Next { get; set; }
        public Node(Term item, Node next)
            this.Item = item;
            this.Next = next;

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