
In: Psychology

Again, parents seek your advice. This time they are having problems getting their teenage daughter to...

Again, parents seek your advice. This time they are having problems getting their teenage daughter to do her homework each day.

1. Outline a program that will help them to get compliance with the homework.

2. Which theory would you use?

3. How would you apply it?


Expert Solution

  1. At the first I will try to know the problem of that teenager by her parents. Here I am, going to continue an Adolescent Counseling program. This program is about interacting with the teenager and her parents individually. This Counseling program will help me to understand the mental and emotional state of that teenager. After understanding the whole problem I will apply a psychological theory to change her undesired behavior and will get compliance with the homework.
  2. I will use the Concept of Operant Conditioning. This concept is also known as reward and Punishment Theory. This theory is conceptualized by B.F skinner. This theory is kind of a way of leaning. Not only that, this theory can decrease the undesired behavior and can increase the desired behaviors.
  3. This theory is about conditioning of the behaviors. Here the theory is included with two types of Reinforcement. Such as
  • Positive Reinforcement ( Prize or reward)
  • Negative Reinforcement( Punishment)

Positive Reinforcement - Positive Reinforcement refers to the encouraging stimuli. Positive reinforcement will be presented after a good and well behavior. This positive reinforcement can motivate someone for doing a great job.

Here I am going to tell that teenager that her mother will give her a beautiful gift if she done her homework every day. This is a positive reinforcement that can motivate that teenager for doing her homework.

Negative Reinforcement – I am going to tell that if she does not do her homework her parents are not going to talk to her. This is a punishment for her unpleasant behavior. This is also very much effective in decreasing an undesired behavior.

Conclusion- So here I am going to apply this theory by telling the consequences of her behavior. These consequences can change her behavior and also can motivate her to do her everyday homework.


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