
In: Computer Science

Can someone write a proposal assignment on the topic "Indoor Mapping"; 1) Provide me an introductory...

Can someone write a proposal assignment on the topic "Indoor Mapping";

1) Provide me an introductory statement and thesis statement which will cover all the info were going to talk about in this topic

2) I need some supporting sentences and counter-argument statements.

3) Conclusion

4) Some sources if you can

Thanks will give thumbs up!


Expert Solution

Indoor Mapping –Indoor Positioning-, can be defined as its name indicates, as a mechanism that allows us to position objects and people in closed environments. In other words, it allows sensors – or mobile devices – to be tracked in an internal environment.Thanks to the geolocation and the placement of sensors in certain hot spots from which we want to collect information, we can obtain data in real time of what is happening in our establishment.
The indoor mapping allows us to collect real data of what is happening in our establishment.

The elaboration of indoor maps and the location of people or items in closed environments is nothing new, it has been done for a while. In fact, Google, through Google IndoorMaps is promoting such indoor mapping, to improve the experience of its users. However, Indoor Mapping solutions go further, they have endless possibilities in the marketing and business intelligence field. It provides companies and institutions with a tool for obtaining data on consumption and inflow in real time.

How does it work?

Indoor Mapping can be based on the combination of many different technologies, GPS, ultrasound, WIFI, Bluethooth, however, all of them separately had limitations in terms of duration, distance or simply they do not provide enough accurate information, that is why it has opted for the use of low energy technologies such as the BLE– Bluetooth Low Energy-. It can also be based on beacons or take advantage of mobile devices.

Given the lack of precision of previous technologies in indoor environments, the applications of indoor mapping have focused on the combination of them with sensitive technologies – vision, footprints, heat points etc -.
Nevertheless, in order to obtain satisfactory results it is necessary in many cases the combination of several of them. Among the different techniques, we consider that the two best results give us are triangulation and footprints.

It allows to obtain quite precise results. Three reference points is established with preset coordinates based mainly on what is known as RSS- the strength of the signal received.
This is the most used technique through WiFi for indoor mapping. It is carried out in two phases, a first one where the data are collected, stored and analyzed and a second one where the data received in real time is compared with what we had at the moment.

There are many other methods but among them these are the two most accepted in the market.
Some indoor positioning platforms like SITUM, combine both techniques to obtain and further improve the accuracy and user experience.


As you can imagine, indoormapping, within the business and institutional environment has a large number of uses and applications. Here are some of the most important ones:

  1. Positioning and location
    Indoor mapping allows you to position objects and people in a closed environment. This is especially important in hospitals, airports and in general any environment with large concentrations of people. This allows for example to have patients, clients, children etc. always located within those spaces. Which is a qualitative advantage.
  2. Calculation of the fastest route between two points
    Another of the most common uses of indoor mapping is the calculation of the route between two points. It can be applied in stores and shopping centers where we would be able to locate ourselves and easily from the mobile determine how to reach the store or the product we came to buy.
    At airports and subway or train stations also add value to the user. The greater the size of the establishment, the greater the utility of these applications.
  3. Location of hot spots for sale
    The applications of indoor mapping, in addition to geolocating people and objects in an indoor environment, it allows us through sensors, the collection of data in real time.
    Thus we can know what points within the premises are those from which you buy more those from which you buy less and can modify the positioning of items that are easier to sell at those points where there are fewer purchases and vice versa to improve the final results.
  4. Traffic management
    Knowing the exact location of all the people and objects that are in our center in real time and the analysis of the historical data allows us to know which are the points with more agglomeration. This allows us to calculate alternative routes.
  5. Improvement of the decision-making process
    Data collection in real time, being able to know exactly what is being sold at each point, knowing the exact influx of people in the centre…. Each and every one of them are sources of information of invaluable value for those in charge of the management of any business.
    Thanks to the information process and the use of dashboards that show all this information already processed, it contributes to a better decision making.
  6. Improve the user experience
    Better traffic management, knowing exactly where you have to go, being able to easily locate you in a business, are some of the aspects that make indoor mapping help to improve the user experience and helping to improve the competitive position of the entity in question.
  7. Offers Personalization
    The most important requirement for indoor mapping applications to work is for the user to take their mobile or device with them and enter the app, allowing in commercial environments to associate a user with a particular purchase.

This is nothing new, since any business that has loyalty cards can know specifically what to buy each of their customers, however, the novelty comes in the possibility of creating customized offers depending on the location in the mall or establishment Of the user.

A unique solution that provides valuable information for companies and institutions. Indoor mapping is opening up a range of possibilities unattainable until now for strategic decision-making, marketing and business intelligence in the business environment while adding value to the user.

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