In: Psychology
Certain moral or ethical standards are considered important while conducting a research.
1. The issue of human rights- these rights includes the right to not to be tested. A person who is not willing to participate in testing should not be forced for testing. Moreover the individuals who show willingness for testing have the right to know the scores of their test and their interpretation. These rights also include right to know who will use these data, and right to confidentiality of test results.
2. Issue of labelling- Labelling can lead to stigmatizing a person and it affects ones access to help which will eventually lead to discrimination. Labelling can make the treatment difficult. So the person has the right not to be labelled.
3. Issues of invasion of privacy- A persons privacy will be affected when the information gathered is wrongly or inappropriately used. The researchers should maintain confidentiality , that is ,the results or the personal information should be communicated or shared with others only with the informed consent.
4. Responsibility of test constructors and test users - Recent standards for using the test states that the researchers must provide a manual of the test that clearly states the appropriate use of test including datas of reliability, validity and norms.
The following possibilities must be considered before testing a new drug. They are
Before experimenting a drug in an animal kind treatment must be given under the care of sanitary experts. It must be fed properly and all the steps to avoid bodily discomfort must be exicuted. If a suitable general or local anesthesia is given researchers must take major steps to avoid infection.Proper post operative care must also be provided. Obeying all these guidlines can ensure the morality and ethics of a given research.