
In: Computer Science

Comments : For each function in your program, you must include a comment block that includes...

Comments :
For each function in your program, you must include a comment block that includes a name of the function, the input parameters of the function, and the return type of the function. Use short phrase descriptions to describe each.

Guard Conditions and Exception Handling:
This time, your program must guard against common errors. An empty vector cannot be used for a variance or standard deviation. A file must be opened correctly. A file must be written to correctly.

Part 1: The Main and the Menu and the Name on the Output
As with the previous two programs, this project will start with a main.

In addition, it should call a version of a print-your-name function and a menu.

The Menu will contain the following items.

1. Load From a File

2. Calculate the Statistics

3. Write to a File

4. Perform the count

5. Display the Bargraph

6. Quit

Part 2: Load from a File
The first step of this assignment is to read 100,000 numbers from a comma-separated value file.

First, the user will be prompted for the name of the file.

Second, the file must be opened correctly.

Third, all the values must be read into a vector and returned.

Fourth, the file must be closed.

Fifth, the vector must be returned to the Menu function.

Part 3: Calculate the Statistics
Use functions to calculate the total, average, variance, and standard deviation of the numbers in the data vector. These values should be returned and stored in local variables in the menu function.

Part 4: Writing to a File
First, prompt the user for a filename. Second, open a file for output. Then, write the information to the file such that it looks like the following:

Your Name
Total : 0.00
Average : 0.00
Variance: 0.00
StDev : 0.00

Replace Your Name with your name

Replace each 0.00 with the correct value as a double with two-decimal places.

Finally, close the file cleanly.

Part 4: Perform the count.

This next part is a new piece of the programming. Students will have to create a class called Counter, and initialized to 0 in the local scope.

Class Counter will have an integer count for the values 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.

The class Counter would have 11 integers, one for each value.

A shortcut would be to have a vector of 13 integers, and ignore the indexes of 0 and 1.

· The class should have a constructor that will set all the counters to 0.
· The class should have a function Increment(int index), that will increase a counter by one based on the input parameter of 2 through 12.
· The class should have a function ShowCount(), which will print out a list of all the counters to the screen. Such as:

Sample output; This is just an example; the real counts will be different.

2| 1000
3| 2000
4| 3000
5| 2000
6| 3000
7| 4000
8| 2000
9| 1000
10| 5000
11| 4000
12| 20000

· Finally, the class should have a function Normalize(int index), with a parameter that is the index. For that index, divide the total by 1000, and truncate to an integer. The type-casting (int) works well. Return the integer.

From the menu, use a loop to go through the vector, operate the Increment function, and then show the count.

Part 5: Showing a text-only Bargraph

The final function is the bargraph function. Using a pair of nested loops, show a bargraph of the numbers.

Sample code:

int rowmax=0;
for (i=2;i<=12;i++)
for (j=0;j<rowmax;j++)

And the output would look something like the figure below. Be aware that the bar graphs will be different.


the above program is in c++ language and the menu has to be created with a switch function.

theres a file guven of 100,000 numbers ranging from 1 to 12


Expert Solution

//find the code below

using namespace std;
vector<int> readCsv()
   string fname;
   cout<<"enter name of file :";
   fstream fin;;
   string temp,line;
   vector<int> nums;
       stringstream ss(line);
       string word;
           remove(word.begin(),word.end(),' ');
           int n = stoi(word);
   return nums;
float total=0,avg=0,variance=0,sd=0;
void calcStats(vector<int> num)
   int n = num.size();
   for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
   avg = total/n;
   double sqDiff = 0;
   for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
       sqDiff += (num[i]-avg)*(num[i]-avg);
   variance = sqDiff/n;
   sd = sqrt(variance);
void writeStats(string uname)
   string fname;
   cout<<"enter output file name\n";
   fstream fout;,ios::out);
   fout<<"Total : "<<fixed<<setprecision(2)<<total<<"\n";
   fout<<"Average :"<<fixed<<setprecision(2)<<avg<<"\n";
   fout<<"Variance :"<<fixed<<setprecision(2)<<variance<<"\n";
   fout<<"StDev :"<<fixed<<setprecision(2)<<sd<<"\n";
class Counter{
   vector<int> cnt;
       for(int i=0;i<13;i++)
   void increment(int idx)
   void showCount()
       for(int i=2;i<=12;i++)
           cout<<i<<"| "<<cnt[i]<<"\n";
   void normalize()
       for(int i=2;i<=12;i++)
Counter counter;
void letsCount(vector<int> nums)
   int n=nums.size();
   for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
void displayBar()
   for(int i=2;i<=12;i++)
       for(int j=0;j<counter.cnt[i];j++)
int main()
   cout<<"1. Load From a File\n";
   cout<<"2. Calculate the Statistics\n";
   cout<<"3. Write to a File\n";
   cout<<"4. Perform the count\n";
   cout<<"5. Display the Bargraph\n";
   cout<<"6. Quit\n\n";
   cout<<"enter your name\n";
   string uname;
   int choice = 0;
   vector<int> nums;
           case 1: nums.clear(); nums=readCsv(); break;
           case 2: calcStats(nums); break;
           case 3: writeStats(uname); break;
           case 4: letsCount(nums); counter.showCount(); break;
           case 5: counter.normalize(); displayBar(); break;
           case 6: cout<<"Quitting"; return 0;
           default : cout<<"Invalid choice\n";;
   return 0;

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