
In: Computer Science

Please include comments on what you are doing.   Using linked lists, write a Python program that...

Please include comments on what you are doing.  

Using linked lists, write a Python program that performs the following tasks:

  • store the records for each college found in the input file - colleges.csv - into a linked list. (File includes name and state data fields)
  • allow the user to search the linked list for a college’s name; display a message indicating whether or not the college’s name was in the database
  • allow the user to enter a state's name and display (to the screen) the total count of colleges in that state

If you use the Node and Linked List class definitions from the zyBook, please make sure you cite this reference in your comments.(dont use if not needed but if you need to use this I will reference them myself)

college.csv file sample

Alabama A & M University AL
University of Alabama at Birmingham AL
Amridge University AL
University of Alabama in Huntsville AL
Alabama State University AL
The University of Alabama AL
Central Alabama Community College AL
Athens State University AL
Auburn University at Montgomery AL
Auburn University AL
Birmingham Southern College AL
Chattahoochee Valley Community College AL
Concordia College Alabama AL
South University-Montgomery AL
Enterprise State Community College AL
Coastal Alabama Community College AL
Faulkner University AL
Gadsden State Community College AL
New Beginning College of Cosmetology AL
George C Wallace Community College-Dothan AL
George C Wallace State Community College-Hanceville AL
George C Wallace State Community College-Selma AL
Herzing University-Birmingham AL
Huntingdon College AL
Heritage Christian University AL
J. F. Drake State Community and Technical College AL
J F Ingram State Technical College AL
Jacksonville State University AL
Jefferson Davis Community College AL
Jefferson State Community College AL
John C Calhoun State Community College AL
Judson College AL
Lawson State Community College-Birmingham Campus AL
University of West Alabama AL
Lurleen B Wallace Community College AL
Marion Military Institute AL
Miles College AL
University of Mobile AL
University of Montevallo AL


Expert Solution

Below is a screen shot of the python program to check indentation. Comments are given on every line explaining the code.

Below is the output of the program:

Below is the code to copy:

#CODE STARTS HERE----------------
class Node: #Node class
   def __init__(self, college,state): = college #college of the node
      self.state = state #state of the node = None #Next node in the linked list

def insert(head, college, state):
   new = Node(college,state) #Create a new node with given values
   if head is None: #if head is none, new node becomes the head = head
      return new

   #Traverse the list until last node is reached
   current_node = head
   while is not None:
      current_node =

   #Add new nodes to the end of the list = #Add 'next' of new node = new #Update 'next' of current node
   return head

def search_college(head, name): #Search if a college is in the linked list or not
   pointer = head #Pointer is used to hold current position while traversing
   while pointer is not None: #Traverse linked list from the head
      #Check if entered name is in the node's college value
      if name.strip().lower() ==
         return True #Return true if present
      pointer = #Update pointer
   return False

def search_in_state(head, state_name): #Return the number of colleges in the state
   counter =0
   pointer = head #Pointer is used to hold current position while traversing
   while pointer is not None: #Traverse linked list from the head
      #Check if state entered is equal to node's state
      if state_name.strip() == pointer.state.strip():
         counter+=1 #update counter value
      pointer =
   return counter #return count

def main():
   #Inserting values into linked list from .csv
   head = None #Initialize node to None
   with open("colleges.csv") as f:  #open file
      for line in f.readlines():#traverse .csv line by line
         #call insert function with college name and state name
         head = insert(head , " ".join(line.split()[0:-1]),line.split()[-1])

   #Searching college name
   name = input("Please enter a college name to search: ")#Take input
   ret_college = search_college(head, name) #Call function
   if ret_college is True: #print result
      print("The college is in the database!")
      print("The college is not in the database!")

   #searching number of colleges in a state
   state_name = input("\nPlease enter state: ")#get state input
   count = search_in_state(head, state_name) #Function call
   print("Number of colleges in",state_name,"=",count) #print result

#CODE ENDS HERE-----------------

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