
In: Computer Science

Please answer with code for C language Problem: Counting Numbers Write a program that keeps taking...

Please answer with code for C language

Problem: Counting Numbers

Write a program that keeps taking integers until the user enters -100.

In the end, the program should display the count of positive, negative (excluding that -100) and zeros entered.

Sample Input/Output 1:

Input the number:








Number of positive numbers: 2

Number of Negative numbers: 3

Number of Zero: 1


Expert Solution

int main(){
   int a,pos=0,nev=0,zero=0;
   printf("Input the number:\n");
       else if(a<0){
   printf("Number of positive numbers: %d\n",pos);

   printf("Number of Negative numbers: %d\n",nev);

   printf("Number of Zero: %d",zero);
   return 0;


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