
In: Computer Science

Java homework problem. This is my hotel reservation system. I'm trying to add a few things...

Java homework problem. This is my hotel reservation system. I'm trying to add a few things to it.

You will be changing your Hotel Reservation system to allow a user to serve more rooms and the rooms will be created as objects.

  1. For this project you will be modifying the Hotel Reservation system to allow a user to serve more rooms and the rooms will be created as objects.

    1. You will be create a Room object that will allow the user to set the type of room, if they want pets, and if they want Oceanview.

      1. OV is $50 more

      2. Pets $25 more

      3. King, Suite and Queen style rooms and you can set the prices

    2. You will have an array for username and password that hold 3 userNames and 3 passwords. These will be parallel arrays. I am allowed to enter username and password 3 times and then I get kicked out.

    3. Main

      1. The main method will keep track of information for 5 room reservations objects all for 1 night

        1. Be sure to use looping, somewhere in the main java file.

        2. Create a method that will catch the object and create it. Remember you can pass by reference or return the object back to the main.

        3. Create a method to handle printing out each of the objects to the screen and the total for each room. (You can set this total in the Room Class if you wish.)

        4. Finally Create a method that will show out the grand total.

Here is my original code to be modified:

import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class hotelreservation {
      public static double roomSelection(Scanner scan)

       String roomSelection;
       System.out.print("Please enter the type of room desired for your stay (King/Queen/Suite/Two doubles): ");
       roomSelection = scan.nextLine();
           return 275;
       else if(roomSelection.equalsIgnoreCase("Queen"))
           return 150;
       else if(roomSelection.equalsIgnoreCase("King"))
           return 150;
           return 125;

   public static double roomOceanView(Scanner scan)
       String response;
       System.out.print("Would you like an oceanview room (Yes/No) ? ");
       response = scan.nextLine();
           return 45;
           return 0;

   public static double roomPets(Scanner scan)
       String response;
       System.out.print("Do you have any pets (Yes/No) ? ");
       response = scan.nextLine();
           return 50;
           return 0;

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       DecimalFormat decFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
       Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
       double roomReservation[] = new double[3];
       double subTotal = 0;
       for(int x=0;x        {
           System.out.println("Welcome to our Hotel Room Reservation Pricing System.");
           System.out.println("Please answer the following questions regarding your reservation of room #"+(x+1)+" : ");
           roomReservation[x] = roomPets(scan);
           roomReservation[x] += roomSelection(scan);
           roomReservation[x] += roomOceanView(scan);
       for(int x=0;x        {
           System.out.println("Total cost for room #"+(x+1)+" : $"+decFormat.format(roomReservation[x]));
           subTotal += roomReservation[x];
       System.out.println("Subtotal: $"+decFormat.format(subTotal));
       double tax = subTotal*0.05;
       System.out.println("Total Tax (5%): $"+decFormat.format(tax));
       System.out.println("Grand Total: $"+(decFormat.format(subTotal+tax)));



Expert Solution

* The java program that prompts user to enter user name and password that
* are stored in parallel arrays. If user name and password matched then
* print login successful . Allow user to enter 3 attempt otherwise terminate the program.
* Then prompts user to enter the room type, yes /no
* for the ocean view and yes/ no for the pets for the Room class objects.
* Then find the the sub total, tax and net price of the total room objects.
* */
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Hotelreservation
   public static void main(String[] args)
       DecimalFormat decFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
       Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
       double subTotal = 0;

       /*Create an array of Room class of size,5*/
       Room[] rooms=new Room[5];

       String roomType;
       String oceanViewChoice;
       String petChoice;

       boolean oceanChoice=false;
       boolean havePets=false;

       final int MAX=3;
       boolean login_status=false;

       String userNames[]= {"john","kumar","samantha"};
       String passwords[]= {"1234","abcd","xyz"};

       int count=0;      
       while(count<MAX && !login_status)
           System.out.println("Enter user name : ");
           String userName=scan.nextLine();
           int userNameLocation=-1;
           for (int i = 0; i <MAX; i++)
               System.out.println("Enter password: ");
               String password=scan.nextLine();

               System.out.println("Invalid user name");

       if(login_status==false && count==MAX)
           System.out.println("Login failed");
           System.out.println("Login successful");

           System.out.println("Welcome to our Hotel Room Reservation Pricing System.");
       //read 5 room choice values
       for(int x=0;x<rooms.length;x++)
           System.out.print("Please enter the type of room desired for your stay (King/Queen/Suite/Two doubles): ");
           roomType = scan.nextLine();

           System.out.print("Do you want ocean view(yes /no): ?");
           oceanViewChoice = scan.nextLine();
           //checking if ocean choice is yes then set ocaenChoice is true

           System.out.print("Do you have pet(yes /no): ?");
           petChoice = scan.nextLine();
           //checking if petChoice is yes then set petChoice is true
           //create an object of room class with user given values
           rooms[x]=new Room(roomType, oceanChoice, havePets);  

       //find the sub total of rooms
       for(int x=0;x<rooms.length;x++)

       //print the results to console window
       System.out.println("Subtotal: $"+decFormat.format(subTotal));
       double tax = subTotal*0.05;
       System.out.println("Total Tax (5%): $"+decFormat.format(tax));
       System.out.println("Grand Total: $"+(decFormat.format(subTotal+tax)));


//Room class declaration
public class Room
   //private data members
   private double roomCost;
   private double oceanViewCost;
   private double petsCharge;

   /*constructor */
   Room(String roomType , boolean oceanView , boolean havePets)
   public void setPets(boolean havePets)
           petsCharge= 50;
           petsCharge= 0;

   public void setOceanView(boolean oceanView)
           oceanViewCost= 45;
           oceanViewCost= 0;
   public void setSelection(String roomType)
           roomCost= 275;
       else if(roomType.equalsIgnoreCase("Queen"))
           roomCost= 150;
       else if(roomType.equalsIgnoreCase("King"))
           roomCost= 150;
           roomCost= 125;
   public double getRoomCost()
       return roomCost;
   public double getOceanViewCost()
       return oceanViewCost;
   public double getPetCharge()
       return petsCharge;


Sample Output:

Enter user name :
Enter password:
Enter user name :
Enter password:
Enter user name :
Enter password:
Login successful
Welcome to our Hotel Room Reservation Pricing System.
Please enter the type of room desired for your stay (King/Queen/Suite/Two doubles): King
Do you want ocean view(yes /no): ?yes
Do you have pet(yes /no): ?yes
Please enter the type of room desired for your stay (King/Queen/Suite/Two doubles): Queen
Do you want ocean view(yes /no): ?yes
Do you have pet(yes /no): ?yes
Please enter the type of room desired for your stay (King/Queen/Suite/Two doubles): Suite
Do you want ocean view(yes /no): ?yes
Do you have pet(yes /no): ?yes
Please enter the type of room desired for your stay (King/Queen/Suite/Two doubles): King
Do you want ocean view(yes /no): ?yes
Do you have pet(yes /no): ?yes
Please enter the type of room desired for your stay (King/Queen/Suite/Two doubles): King
Do you want ocean view(yes /no): ?yes
Do you have pet(yes /no): ?yes
Subtotal: $1350.00
Total Tax (5%): $67.50
Grand Total: $1417.50

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