In: Operations Management
Hiring ethical job candidates has been a growing issue within HR departments. As a result, policies, and procedures need to be implemented to determine how to legitimize certain practices while being consistent. In this Bonus assignment, you are asked to find (research) best practices in hiring used by a company. In addition, write a (one page) white sheet explaining how these practices make sense by pointing out there strengths and weaknesses. Also, describe how some of the weaknesses could be strengthened.
Hiring ethical job candidates has become a major issue with many organizations. Many cases have come of candidates using false attributes in resumes to secure jobs. The most highlighted case was of yahoo CEO Scott Thompson who was fired after it was found that he had lied about his degree in his resume. Thus it has become imperative for organizations to ensure that they are hiring ethical candidates.
The best practises and policies used by Corporations in this process of hiring ethical employees involves the following process:
1. Conversational interview with questions that probe the integrity of the candidates still ranks the best method of identifying traits of high level of integrity. Corportations satisfy themselves about integrity by asking about the past situations and hypothetical scenarios which test the thought process of the candidate. Dependability of the candidate is tested by knowing their discipline and timely submissions of work as well as office arrival times in the past. Transparent discussion happens so that candidates too can fathom the ethical climate of the corporation they are being interviewed for.
2. Pre-emplyment tests are used by many organizations to test the personality and assessment of potential for unethical behaviour. This test uses psychometric questions that the propensity towards using violence, unethical means to achieve success etc.
3. Background verification of the candidate prior to making the offer is increasingly being done by companies to make sure that their selected candidate has submitted all correct documents and all his declarations are correct. This may involve taking the permission of the candidate to speak to some of their previous bosses.
4. The terms of the employment make it very clear that in the event of any information provided is found to be untrue then the company can terminate the employment with immediate effect. Strict terms are put in the employment to deter any potental candidate from hiding or maing any false declaration