
In: Statistics and Probability

Consider the following two estimated models (1) and (2), with all the variables already described below...

Consider the following two estimated models (1) and (2), with all the variables already described below


Dependent variable:



   (1)    (2)


educ    0.057*** 0.061***

   (0.006) (0.006)

tenure    0.018** 0.023***

(0.009) (0.009)

black    0.070 (0.276)

tenuresq -0.0003 -0.0004

   (0.0005) (0.001)

educ:black -0.031


tenure:black 0.018**


Constant 5.924*** 5.829***

   (0.088) (0.083)


Observations    935 935

R2 0.170 0.137


Note: *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

a. From model (1), what is the estimated return to education for: i) black workers; ii) non-black workers?

b. Based on the estimated model (1) and with a 5% significance level, how significant is the impact of the variable tenure 2 on workers’ wages. (State clearly your null and alternative hypotheses, the statistics to be used, and your conclusion).

c. Provide a possible rationale for the presence of the variable tenure 2 in the models estimated above.

d. Holding everything else constant, what is the estimated effect of an additional tenure year on the wage of: i) a black worker? ii) a non-black worker?

e. From model (1), at what estimated number of tenure years does an additional year actually lower the predicted log(wage) for: i) a black worker? ii) a non-black worker?

f. From model (1), calculate the estimated effect of the 25th tenure year on the wage of: i) a black worker; ii) a non-black worker.

g. From the estimated equation (1), provide an appropriate interpretation for each of the coefficients associated to the variables black, educ, and educ*black.

h. What is the estimated percentage wage difference between black and non-black workers?

i. Based on estimated models (1) and (2), and with a 5% significance level, test whether being black has a statistically significant impact on worker’s earnings (state clearly your null and alternative hypotheses, the statistics to be used, and your conclusion).


Expert Solution

a. i). Coefficient of educ = 0.057 which means for 100% unit increase in Education, there will be 5.7% increase in wages.

ii). coefficient of educ:black = -0.031 which means for 100% unit increase in Education, there will be 3.1% decrease in wages for black.

b). Ho: The tenure2 is not significant in the model,

H1: The tenure2 is not significant in the model


Test statistics : where 1,0 = 0.

Since, for tenure2 the absense of * shows it is not significant at 10%, 5% or 1%.

Hence, variable is not significant.

c). For both the models (1) and (2),

For tenure2 the absense of * shows it is not significant at 10%, 5% or 1%.

Hence, variable is not significant.


i). Coefficient of tenure = 0.018 which means for 100% unit increase in Education, there will be 1.8% increase in wages.

ii). coefficient of educ:black = 0.018 which means for 100% unit increase in Education, there will be 1.8% increase in wages for black.

Same contribution

e). 100 years will actually bring a notifiable change.


i). Coefficient of tenure = 0.018 which means for 100% unit increase in Education, there will be 1.8% increase in wages and 25*0.018 = 0.45 units of difference in wage.

ii). coefficient of educ:black = 0.018 which means for 100% unit increase in Education, there will be 1.8% increase in wages for black and 25*0.018 = 0.45 units of difference in wage.

Same contribution


i). Coefficient of educ = 0.057 which means for 100% unit increase in Education, there will be 5.7% increase in wages.

ii). Coefficient of educ = 0.070 which means for 100% unit increase in Education, there will be 7% increase in wages.

iii). coefficient of educ:black = -0.031 which means for 100% unit increase in Education, there will be 3.1% decrease in wages for black.

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