
In: Computer Science

JAVA PROGRAMMING For this assignment, review the successor method in BST. The successor of a node...


For this assignment, review the successor method in BST. The successor of a node is the node with the next highest value in the tree. The successor of the node with the largest value in a tree, is null. The algorithm to find the successor of a node is straight forward: if the node has a right subtree, the successor is the smallest node in that subtree (for that we use method minNode). Otherwise, we traverse the tree from the root and towards the node whose successor we are seeking. Each node at which we continue to traverse left, we mark as the successor. The last such node is the actual successor.

TreeNode with parent node

Modify BST so that each TreeNode has a pointer to its parent node. (The only node without a parent is the root node). Ensure that every time you add a node to a tree, that all points (left, right, and parent) are updated as needed.

Successor search using the parent node

Write a new method, with signature

TreeNode successorP(TreeNode ofThisNode) that finds the successor of a node without traversing the tree from the root, but by using the knowledge captured in the parent field. There are many variants of this technique online. Many of them are incomplete or may contain bugs. Make sure that your code works perfectly well with each node in the test tree sycamore. Your code must be welldocumented with meaningful comments.

Delete a node

Write a method with signature

boolean deleteNode(TreeNode deleteMe)
that implements the deletion algorithm as discussed in class. The deletion algorithm is as follows:

If node-to-delete has zero children, just dereference it from its parent.

If node-to-delete has one child only, its child is "adopted" by its parent.

If the node-to-delete has two children, swap it with its successor, reducing the case to one of the previous two.

For this problem, use the parent field in TreeNode.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

* A simple Binary Search Tree (BST) class.
public class BST {

// A tree is just a root, really! Everything grows from here.
private TreeNode root; // what's a TreeNode? See below.

// And here's what a TreeNode looks like.
class TreeNode {
String value; // The data we store in this node
TreeNode left; // left child
TreeNode right; // right child
// basic constructor
public TreeNode(String s) {
this.value = s; // assigns content to String
left = right = null; // makes pointers to children null
} // constructor TreeNode
} // class TreeNode

* Inserts unique value into tree; if value already
* exists, method returns false.
* @param s value to insert
public boolean insert(String s) {
boolean success = false;
if (!valueExists(s)) { // Value is not stored in tree already; we can add it
success = true; // Method will return this value to indicate successful insertion
TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode(s); // Node with new value to be inserted
if (root == null) { // If tree is empty,
root = newNode; // new node becomes its root.
} else { // Start our search from the root to find where to place new node.
TreeNode currentNode = root; // We start our search from the root.
boolean keepTrying = true; // Control variable from the principal loop, below.
while (keepTrying) { // Principal loop; exits only when keepTrying becomes false.
if (s.compareTo(currentNode.value) > 0) { // New value is greater than current node; go RIGHT
if (currentNode.right == null) { // If right child is null
currentNode.right = newNode; // place new value here
keepTrying = false; // Flag to exit the principal loop.
} else { // Right child is not null
currentNode = currentNode.right; // Make right child the current node and try again.
} else { // New value is less than current node; go LEFT
if (currentNode.left == null) { // If left child is null
currentNode.left = newNode; // place new value here.
keepTrying = false; // Flag to exit the principal loop.
} else { // Left child is not null.
currentNode = currentNode.left; // Make left child the current node and try again.
return success;
} // method insert

* Find if String searchForMe exists in the tree, in an iterative scan
* @param searchForMe Value to search for
* @return true if searchForMe found; false otherwise
public boolean valueExists(String searchForMe) {
boolean success = false; // Assume String is not in the tree.
if (root != null) { // Start searching from the top.
TreeNode currentNode = root; // initialize iterative node
boolean keepTrying = true; // Loop control flag
while (keepTrying) {
if (currentNode.value.compareTo(searchForMe) == 0) { // found!
success = true; // flag success
keepTrying = false; // get out of the while loop
} else if (searchForMe.compareTo(currentNode.value) > 0) { // Go right
if (currentNode.right == null) { // end of tree; no luck
keepTrying = false; // exit while loop
} else { // keep pushing right
currentNode = currentNode.right; // new value for next iteration
} else { // Go left
if (currentNode.left == null) { // end of tree; no luck
keepTrying = false; // exit while loop
} else { // keep pushing left
currentNode = currentNode.left; // new value for next iteration
return success;
} // method valueExists

* Iterative in-Order traversal of the tree
public void inOrder() {
if (root == null) { // empty tree
System.out.println("Tree is empty");
} else {
System.out.println("\n\nIn-Order traversal of your tree:\n");
int wordCount = 1; // tracks how many words are printed before new line
int wordPerLine = 5; // I want this may words per line
List nodesToProcess = new ArrayList(); // Simple "stack"
// Start from the top
TreeNode currentNode = root;
// The following loop traverses while there are items in the "stack"
while ( currentNode != null || nodesToProcess.size() > 0 ) {
while (currentNode != null) {
currentNode = currentNode.left; // Go as left as you can
currentNode = nodesToProcess.get(0); // When no more left, print what's on top of the stack
System.out.printf("%-15s ",currentNode.value);
if ( wordCount%wordPerLine==0 ) {
nodesToProcess.remove(0); // remove the current node from the stack
currentNode = currentNode.right; // go right
} // method inOrder

* Method to find the smallest node of a tree (or subtree). The smallest node is the
* left-most node of the tree (or subtree).
* @param node the root of the tree or subtree we wish to scan
* @return the node with the smallest value
public TreeNode minNode(TreeNode node) {
TreeNode current = node;
while ( current.left != null) { // Keep going left until no more
current = current.left;
return current; // this is the smallest node
} // method minNode

* Method successor finds, iteratively, the node with the next highest value from the
* node provided. If the node whose successor we seek has a right subtree, the successor
* is the smallest node of that subtree. Otherwise, we start from the root, towards
* the node whose successor we seek. Every time we go left at a node, we mark that
* node as the successor.
* @param ofThisNode Node whose successor we are seeking.
* @return The node's successor; null if it has no successor
public TreeNode successor(TreeNode ofThisNode) {
TreeNode succ = null;
if ( ofThisNode.right != null) { // Node whose successor we seek, has a right subtree.
succ = minNode(ofThisNode.right); // Successor is smallest node of right subtree.
} else { //
TreeNode current = root; // Start from root and go towards node whose successor we seek.
boolean keepTraversing = true; // Switch to exit the while loop when done
while (keepTraversing) {
if ( ofThisNode.value.compareTo(current.value ) < 0 ) { // Node whose successor we seek should be to the left.
if ( current.left != null ) { // Can we go left?
succ = current; // Mark this node as successor
current = current.left; // Go left
} else { // We can no longer go left -- end of tree?
keepTraversing = false; // Signal to exit the while loop.
} else { // Node whose successor we seek should be to the right.
if ( current.right != null ) { // Can we go right?
current = current.right; // Go right
} else { // We can no longer go right -- end of tree?
keepTraversing = false; // Signal to exit while loop.
} // Done deciding left/right as we search for the node whose successor we seek.
} // Done traversing the tree
} // Done looking for the successor; we have it (or we end up with null, ie, end of tree).
return succ;
} // method successor

/** Quick testing */
public static void main (String[]args){

// Instantiate a binary search tree.
BST sycamore = new BST();

// Favorite soliloquy to be used as content for the tree
String text = "Now is the winter of our discontent " +
"Made glorious summer by this sun of York; " +
"And all the clouds that lour'd upon our house " +
"In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.";

// Split soliloquy into separate words (converting to lower case for uniformity).
String[] words = text.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z ]", "").split(" ");

// Add to tree.
for (String word : words) {

// Print the tree using the in-Order traversal

} // method main

} // class BST


Expert Solution

1. Search a key.

//Recursive function to search a key.
public TreeNode search(TreeNode root, int key)
    // Base Cases: root is null or key is present at root
    if (root==null || root.key==key)
        return root;

    // val is greater than root's key
    if (root.key > key)
        return search(root.left, key);

    // val is less than root's key
    return search(root.right, key);

2. Insert a value/key

    // This method mainly calls RecurInsert()

    void insert(int key) {
       root = RecurInsert(root, key); //TreeNode root;
/* A recursive function to insert a new key in BST */
    Treenode RecurInsert(Treenode root, int key) {   
        /* If the tree is empty, return a new node */
        if (root == null) {
            root = new TreeNode(key);
            return root;
        /* Otherwise, recursive down the tree */
        if (key < root.key){
            root.left = RecurInsert(root.left, key);
        else if (key > root.key)
            root.right = RecurInsert(root.right, key);
        /* return the (unchanged) node pointer */
        return root;

3. Delete a Node
// This method mainly calls Recurdelete()
    void deleteKey(int key)
       root = Recurdelete(root, key);
    /* A recursive function to insert a new key in BST */
    TreeNode Recurdelete(TreeNode root, int key)
        /* Base Case: If the tree is empty */
        if (root == null)  return root;
        /* Otherwise, recur down the tree */
        if (key < root.key)
            root.left = Recurdelete(root.left, key);
        else if (key > root.key)
            root.right = Recurdelete(root.right, key);
        // if key is same as root's key, then This is the node to be deleted
            // node with only one child or no child
            if (root.left == null)
                return root.right;
            else if (root.right == null)
                return root.left;
            // node with two children: Get the inorder successor (smallest in the right subtree)
            root.key = minValue(root.right);
            // Delete the inorder successor
            root.right = Recurdelete(root.right, root.key);
        return root;

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