
In: Computer Science

Java Language Add a method (deleteGreater ()) to the LinkedList class to delete the node with...

Java Language

Add a method (deleteGreater ()) to the LinkedList class to delete the node with the higher value data.


class Node {

int value;

Node nextNode;

Node(int v, Node n)


value = v;

nextNode = n;


Node (int v)





class LinkedList


Node head; //head = null;




int length()


Node tempPtr;

int result = 0;

tempPtr = head;

while (tempPtr != null)


tempPtr = tempPtr.nextNode;

result = result + 1;




void insertAt(int v, int position)


Node newNode = new Node(v,null);

Node tempPtr;

int tempPosition = 0;

if((head == null) || (position ==0))


newNode.nextNode = head;

head = newNode;


else {

tempPtr = head;

while((tempPtr.nextNode != null)&&(tempPosition < position -1))


tempPtr = tempPtr.nextNode;

tempPosition = tempPosition + 1;


if (tempPosition == (position - 1))


newNode.nextNode = tempPtr.nextNode;

tempPtr.nextNode = newNode;




public String toString()


Node tempPtr;

tempPtr = head;

String result = "";

while(tempPtr != null)


result = result + "[" + tempPtr.value + "| ]-->";

tempPtr = tempPtr.nextNode;


result = result + "null";

return result;



public class LinkedListDemoInsDel


public static void main(String[] args)


LinkedList aLinkedList = new LinkedList();







System.out.println("Largo de lista: " + aLinkedList.length());




Expert Solution

Please look at my code and in case of indentation issues check the screenshots.

class Node {
   int value;
   Node nextNode;
   Node(int v, Node n)
       value = v;
       nextNode = n;

   Node(int v)
       this(v, null);

class LinkedList
   Node head; //head = null;


   int length()
       Node tempPtr;
       int result = 0;
       tempPtr = head;
       while (tempPtr != null)
           tempPtr = tempPtr.nextNode;
           result = result + 1;
       return (result);

   void insertAt(int v, int position)
       Node newNode = new Node(v, null);
       Node tempPtr;
       int tempPosition = 0;
       if ((head == null) || (position == 0))
           newNode.nextNode = head;
           head = newNode;
       } else {
           tempPtr = head;
           while ((tempPtr.nextNode != null) && (tempPosition<position - 1))
               tempPtr = tempPtr.nextNode;
               tempPosition = tempPosition + 1;
           if (tempPosition == (position - 1))
               newNode.nextNode = tempPtr.nextNode;
               tempPtr.nextNode = newNode;

   void deleteGreater(){                   //this function deletes the node with highest value
       if(head == null)                   //if list is empty, do nothing

       int max_value = head.value;           //assume head has max value
       Node tempPtr;
       tempPtr = head;              
       while (tempPtr != null){           //loop through the list
           if(tempPtr.value > max_value){   //find the node with the maximum value
               max_value = tempPtr.value;
           tempPtr = tempPtr.nextNode;
       System.out.println("\nDeleting node with value: " + max_value);

       if(head.value == max_value){       //if head has maximum value, then update the head to next node
           head = head.nextNode;   

       tempPtr = head;                       //loop until you reach one node before the max value node
       while (tempPtr != null && tempPtr.nextNode.value != max_value){
           tempPtr = tempPtr.nextNode;      
       tempPtr.nextNode = tempPtr.nextNode.nextNode;   //set the link of prev node to max node's next

   public String toString()
       Node tempPtr;
       tempPtr = head;
       String result = "";
       while (tempPtr != null)
           result = result + "[" + tempPtr.value + "| ]-->";
           tempPtr = tempPtr.nextNode;
       result = result + "null";
       return result;

public class LinkedListDemoInsDel
   public static void main(String[] args)
       LinkedList aLinkedList = new LinkedList();
       aLinkedList.insertAt(1, 0);
       aLinkedList.insertAt(9, 1);
       aLinkedList.insertAt(13, 2);
       aLinkedList.insertAt(8, 1);
       aLinkedList.insertAt(3, 2);
       System.out.println("Largo de lista: " + aLinkedList.length());




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