
In: Computer Science

Reverse Polish (HP) Style Calculator - Part 2 The purpose of this assignment is to incorporate...

Reverse Polish (HP) Style Calculator - Part 2

The purpose of this assignment is to incorporate an abstract class and inheritance and add it to the interface of the business calculator created in Topic 4.

• Implement a pure abstract stack class named AbstractStack that has no implementation. It will not have a private array of double, because that is an implementation detail of ArrayStack that would not be found in other implementations such as LinkedStack. Nor will it have the constructor public AbstractClass(int size), or methods public double peek(int n) or public int count(), since these methods are convenience features that are easily implemented for ArrayStack, but not other implementations of stack.  

• Include the method public double peek(), and add the method public void clear(), resulting in the following abstract methods.

o public abstract void push(double item) – Standard stack action; Throws an exception if the stack is full.

o public abstract double pop() – Standard stack action; Throws an exception if the stack is empty.

o public abstract boolean isEmpty() – Returns true if the stack is empty and false otherwise.

o public abstract double peek() – returns the value of the item located at the specified position on the stack; throws an exception if the array bounds are exceeded or if a nonexistent element is requested.

o public abstract void clear() – empties the stack if it is not already empty.

• Do not specify a constructor. Depend on the default constructor.

• Modify the existing file to include the phrase "extends AbstractStack."

• Add an implementation for the methods void clear() and double peek(), which overloads the existing double peek(int n). Provide a default constructor that creates an array that will hold three elements.

o public ArrayClass(int size) - constructor that creates an ArrayClass instance containing an array of the specified size. Remember that in Java, arrays are indexed from 0!

o public push(double item) – standard stack action; throws an exception if the array bounds are exceeded.

o public double pop() – standard stack action; throws an exception if the array bounds are exceeded.

o public boolean isEmpty() – returns true if the stack is empty and false otherwise.

o public double peek(int n) – returns the value of the item located at the specified position on the stack; throws an exception if the array bounds are exceeded or if a nonexistent element is requested; peek(0) will return the top element of the stack.

o public int count() - returns the number of items currently pushed onto the stack.

• Modify the existing file to include tests for void clear() and double peek(). Note that it is easiest to do "incremental testing" in which you code a little then test a little.  

• Create an interface with additional methods.

• Create a new file called Make this a publicinterface file. Add the following methods to the interface.

o public add() – pops two values from the stack, adds them together, and pushes the result back onto the stack. Throws an exception if there are not at least 2 items on the stack.

o public sub() – pops two values from the stack, subtracts the second number popped from the first number popped, and pushes the result back onto the stack. Throws an exception if there are not at least 2 items on the stack.

o public mult() – pops two values from the stack, multiplies them together, and pushes the result back onto the stack. Throws an exception if there are not at least 2 items on the stack.

o public div() – pops two values from the stack, divides the second number popped by the first number popped, and pushes the result back onto the stack. Throws an exception if there are not at least 2 items on the stack.

o public dup() – peeks at the top value on the stack and pushes a copy of that value onto the stack. Throws an exception if the stack is empty or full.

o public twoDup() – peeks at the top two values on the stack and pushes a copy of both values onto the stack (in the same order). Throws an exception if the stack does not have at least 2 items or room for 2 additional items.

• Create another file called Make this file extend ArrayStack and implement Forth. Code concrete implementations of each of the methods in the interface.

• Test by making a copy of the file and name it TestForth. Change the name of the class inside the file. Add tests for add, sub, mult, div, dup, and twoDup.

• After thoroughly testing the program, submit the,,,, and files to the instructor.

Previous Array Stack

public class ArrayStack

private double[] array;
private int size;
private int num;

   public ArrayStack(int a){
   array = new double[a];
   size = a;
   num = 0;
   public void push(double a){
   if (num < size){
   array[num] = a;
   else {
   System.out.println("Failure! Stack is full");
   public double pop(){
   if (num > 0){
   return array[num];
   else {
   System.out.println("Stack is empty");
   return -1;
   public boolean isEmpty(){
   return (num == 0);
   public double peek(int n){
   if (num > 0)
   if (n < 0 || n >= num)
   return -1;
   return array[num-1-n];
   System.out.println("Stack is empty");
   return -1;
   catch(Exception e ){
   return 0;
   public int count(){
   return num;


Previous Test Array Stack

public class TestArrayStack{

public static void main(String [] args)
   int choice;
   int peek;
   double val,poped;
   boolean empty;
   Scanner sc =new Scanner(;
   ArrayStack as = new ArrayStack(20);
       System.out.println("1. Enter a Value in stack");
       System.out.println("2. Pop a Value");
       System.out.println("3. Check If array is Empty");
       System.out.println("4. Peek Function");
       System.out.println("5. Exit\n");
   choice = sc.nextInt();
   case 1:
       System.out.print("Enter a value To push : ");
   val = sc.nextDouble();
   case 2:
   poped = as.pop();
       System.out.println("Popped : "+poped);
   case 3:
   empty = as.isEmpty();
       System.out.println("Empty ? "+empty);
   case 4:
       System.out.print("Enter a index to peek : ");
   peek = sc.nextInt();
   poped = as.peek(peek);
   if(poped != -1)
       System.out.println("Peeked Value : "+poped);
       System.out.println("Oops it was not a valid index this place is empty");
   case 5:

What I need is,,,, and

Thank you


Expert Solution


Java Program


* Pure abstract class without implementation
public abstract class AbstractStack {
   public abstract void push(double item);
   public abstract double pop();
   public abstract boolean isEmpty();
   public abstract double peek();
   public abstract void clear();

import java.util.Arrays;

public class ArrayStack extends AbstractStack {
   private double[] array;
   private int size;
   private int num;
   //Default constructor
   public ArrayStack() {
       array = new double[3];
       size = 3;
       num = 0;
   //Parametrized Constructor
   public ArrayStack(int a){
       array = new double[a];
       size = a;
       num = 0;
   //Insert a new element
   public void push(double a){
       if (num < size) {
           array[num] = a;
       else {
           throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Failure! Stack is full");
   //Take out last inserted value
   public double pop(){
       if (num > 0){
           return array[num];
       else {
           throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Stack is empty");
   //Check stack empty or not
   public boolean isEmpty(){
       return (num == 0);
   //Get top element from stack
   public double peek() {
       return peek(num-1);
   //Get specified index element
   public double peek(int n){
           if (num > 0){
               if (n < 0 || n >= num)
                   return -1;
                   return array[n];
               System.out.println("Stack is empty");
               return -1;
       }catch(Exception e ){
       return 0;
   //Number of elements in stack
   public int count(){
       return num;
   public void clear() {

* Interface to generate sum additional functions using stack
public interface Fourth {
   public void add();
   public void sub();
   public void mul();
   public void div();
   public void dup();
   public void twoDup();

public class FourthStack extends ArrayStack implements Fourth{
   //Parameterized constructor
   public FourthStack(int sz) {

   //Pop 2 elements from stack and add values
   //Push into stack
   public void add() {
       if(super.count()<2) {
           throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Not enough elements to pop");
       else {

   //Pop 2 elements from stack and subtract second from first
   //Push into stack
   public void sub() {
       if(super.count()<2) {
           throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Not enough elements to pop");
       else {

   //Pop 2 elements from stack and multiply values
   //Push into stack
   public void mul() {
       if(super.count()<2) {
           throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Not enough elements to pop");
       else {

   //Pop 2 elements from stack and divide second from first values
   //Push into stack
   public void div() {
       if(super.count()<2) {
           throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Not enough elements to pop");
       else {

   //peek an element and make duplicate
   //Push into stack
   public void dup() {
       if(super.count()<1) {
           throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Not enough elements to pop");
       else {

   //Peek 2 elements from stack and make their duplicate
   //Push into stack in same order
   public void twoDup() {
       if(super.count()<2) {
           throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Not enough elements to pop");
       else {
           double first=super.peek();
           double second=super.peek(super.count()-2);


import java.util.Scanner;
* Test implemented functions
* @author deept
public class TestFourthStack {
   public static void main(String [] args){
   //Variables for input
   int choice;
    int pek;
    double val,poped;
     boolean empty;
    //Keyboard read
    Scanner sc =new Scanner(;
    FourthStack as = new FourthStack(20);
    //Loop until exit
       //User choices
       System.out.println("1. Enter a Value in stack");
        System.out.println("2. Pop a Value");
        System.out.println("3. Check If array is Empty");
        System.out.println("4. Peek Function");
        System.out.println("5. Clear Stack");
        System.out.println("6. Add Function");
        System.out.println("7. Sub Function");
        System.out.println("8. Mul Function");
        System.out.println("9. Div Function");
        System.out.println("10. Dup Function");
        System.out.println("11. TwoDup Function");
        System.out.println("0. Exit\n");
        choice = sc.nextInt();
        //Execute each choice
        case 1:
           System.out.print("Enter a value To push : ");
           val = sc.nextDouble();
        case 2:
           poped = as.pop();
           System.out.println("Popped : "+poped);
        case 3:
           empty = as.isEmpty();
           System.out.println("Empty ? "+empty);
        case 4:
           poped = as.peek();
           if(poped != -1)
               System.out.println("Peeked Value : "+poped);
               System.out.println("Oops it was not a valid index this place is empty");
        case 5:
        case 6:
        case 7:
        case 8:
        case 9:
        case 10:
        case 11:
        case 0:



1. Enter a Value in stack
2. Pop a Value
3. Check If array is Empty
4. Peek Function
5. Clear Stack
6. Add Function
7. Sub Function
8. Mul Function
9. Div Function
10. Dup Function
11. TwoDup Function
0. Exit

Enter a value To push : 1.5
1. Enter a Value in stack
2. Pop a Value
3. Check If array is Empty
4. Peek Function
5. Clear Stack
6. Add Function
7. Sub Function
8. Mul Function
9. Div Function
10. Dup Function
11. TwoDup Function
0. Exit

Enter a value To push : 2.5
1. Enter a Value in stack
2. Pop a Value
3. Check If array is Empty
4. Peek Function
5. Clear Stack
6. Add Function
7. Sub Function
8. Mul Function
9. Div Function
10. Dup Function
11. TwoDup Function
0. Exit

Enter a value To push : 3.5
1. Enter a Value in stack
2. Pop a Value
3. Check If array is Empty
4. Peek Function
5. Clear Stack
6. Add Function
7. Sub Function
8. Mul Function
9. Div Function
10. Dup Function
11. TwoDup Function
0. Exit

1. Enter a Value in stack
2. Pop a Value
3. Check If array is Empty
4. Peek Function
5. Clear Stack
6. Add Function
7. Sub Function
8. Mul Function
9. Div Function
10. Dup Function
11. TwoDup Function
0. Exit

Peeked Value : 6.0
1. Enter a Value in stack
2. Pop a Value
3. Check If array is Empty
4. Peek Function
5. Clear Stack
6. Add Function
7. Sub Function
8. Mul Function
9. Div Function
10. Dup Function
11. TwoDup Function
0. Exit

Enter a value To push : 8
1. Enter a Value in stack
2. Pop a Value
3. Check If array is Empty
4. Peek Function
5. Clear Stack
6. Add Function
7. Sub Function
8. Mul Function
9. Div Function
10. Dup Function
11. TwoDup Function
0. Exit

1. Enter a Value in stack
2. Pop a Value
3. Check If array is Empty
4. Peek Function
5. Clear Stack
6. Add Function
7. Sub Function
8. Mul Function
9. Div Function
10. Dup Function
11. TwoDup Function
0. Exit

Peeked Value : 2.0
1. Enter a Value in stack
2. Pop a Value
3. Check If array is Empty
4. Peek Function
5. Clear Stack
6. Add Function
7. Sub Function
8. Mul Function
9. Div Function
10. Dup Function
11. TwoDup Function
0. Exit

1. Enter a Value in stack
2. Pop a Value
3. Check If array is Empty
4. Peek Function
5. Clear Stack
6. Add Function
7. Sub Function
8. Mul Function
9. Div Function
10. Dup Function
11. TwoDup Function
0. Exit

Peeked Value : 1.3333333333333333
1. Enter a Value in stack
2. Pop a Value
3. Check If array is Empty
4. Peek Function
5. Clear Stack
6. Add Function
7. Sub Function
8. Mul Function
9. Div Function
10. Dup Function
11. TwoDup Function
0. Exit

Enter a value To push : 2
1. Enter a Value in stack
2. Pop a Value
3. Check If array is Empty
4. Peek Function
5. Clear Stack
6. Add Function
7. Sub Function
8. Mul Function
9. Div Function
10. Dup Function
11. TwoDup Function
0. Exit

1. Enter a Value in stack
2. Pop a Value
3. Check If array is Empty
4. Peek Function
5. Clear Stack
6. Add Function
7. Sub Function
8. Mul Function
9. Div Function
10. Dup Function
11. TwoDup Function
0. Exit

Peeked Value : 2.6666666666666665
1. Enter a Value in stack
2. Pop a Value
3. Check If array is Empty
4. Peek Function
5. Clear Stack
6. Add Function
7. Sub Function
8. Mul Function
9. Div Function
10. Dup Function
11. TwoDup Function
0. Exit

1. Enter a Value in stack
2. Pop a Value
3. Check If array is Empty
4. Peek Function
5. Clear Stack
6. Add Function
7. Sub Function
8. Mul Function
9. Div Function
10. Dup Function
11. TwoDup Function
0. Exit

Peeked Value : 2.6666666666666665
1. Enter a Value in stack
2. Pop a Value
3. Check If array is Empty
4. Peek Function
5. Clear Stack
6. Add Function
7. Sub Function
8. Mul Function
9. Div Function
10. Dup Function
11. TwoDup Function
0. Exit

1. Enter a Value in stack
2. Pop a Value
3. Check If array is Empty
4. Peek Function
5. Clear Stack
6. Add Function
7. Sub Function
8. Mul Function
9. Div Function
10. Dup Function
11. TwoDup Function
0. Exit

Peeked Value : 2.6666666666666665
1. Enter a Value in stack
2. Pop a Value
3. Check If array is Empty
4. Peek Function
5. Clear Stack
6. Add Function
7. Sub Function
8. Mul Function
9. Div Function
10. Dup Function
11. TwoDup Function
0. Exit

Popped : 2.6666666666666665
1. Enter a Value in stack
2. Pop a Value
3. Check If array is Empty
4. Peek Function
5. Clear Stack
6. Add Function
7. Sub Function
8. Mul Function
9. Div Function
10. Dup Function
11. TwoDup Function
0. Exit

1. Enter a Value in stack
2. Pop a Value
3. Check If array is Empty
4. Peek Function
5. Clear Stack
6. Add Function
7. Sub Function
8. Mul Function
9. Div Function
10. Dup Function
11. TwoDup Function
0. Exit

Empty ? true
1. Enter a Value in stack
2. Pop a Value
3. Check If array is Empty
4. Peek Function
5. Clear Stack
6. Add Function
7. Sub Function
8. Mul Function
9. Div Function
10. Dup Function
11. TwoDup Function
0. Exit


if any doubts above below program screen shot and output

​if your satisfy above answer please give positive rating or?

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Thank you!

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