
In: Computer Science

You have been asked to create a python program that will ask the user how many...

You have been asked to create a python program that will ask the user how many tickets the user would like to purchase for graduation. The user will then choose the number of tickets needed and the program will list the cost of the tickets, a service fee, tax, and the total of the purchase.


  • The program should only accept whole numbers when receiving input for the number of tickets needed.
  • No calculations should be performed if input is invalid.
  • No output should be displayed if input is invalid.
  • The service fee should be $2.50 per ticket.
  • The tax should be 3% of the cost of the tickets (without the service fee).
  • The final cost (grand total) should be displayed with a dollar sign and two decimal places.


Expert Solution

Here is the code:

        num_ticket = int(input('How many tickets you would like to purchase for graduation? '))
        cost_ticket = 10    # assumption
        service_fee = 2.5 * num_ticket
        tax = 0.03 * cost_ticket
        final_cost = (cost_ticket * num_ticket) + tax + service_fee

        print('\nCost of one ticket: ' + "$" + str(cost_ticket))
        print('Service fee: ' + "$" + str(service_fee))
        print('Tax: ' + "$" + str(tax))
        print('Final cost: ' + "$" + str(final_cost))
    except ValueError:
        print('Invalid input. Please input whole number only!\n')

Here is the output:

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