
In: Operations Management

If you were an aide to President Obama (when he was president) or President Trump (you...

If you were an aide to President Obama (when he was president) or President Trump (you pick which president you want to advise), how would you advise him on the issue of approximately 12 million individuals who are in the United States without legal authorization. How would your advice affect the economy?


Expert Solution

Irrespective of which President it is, I would advise the following steps when it comes the issue of 12 million individuals who are in the United States without legal authorization

  • The first thing is to keep in mind that 12 million individuals are humans and the second thing is to identify the risk each one of them posses for the United States economically, socially, and politically
  • These people are in some way part of the economy and are involved in jobs and activities. Some of them do jobs which are actually important and necessary for the country and the actions of some harm the country.
  • Keeping the above 2 points in mind it is important to consider each individual instead of passing blanket judgment on all of them
  • Upon thorough scrutiny, people who are actually doing good for the United States should be given a temporary stay visa with guidelines which over a period of time if adhered to religiously would result in converting them to citizens of the United States. And for the people who are detrimental to the United States should be deported immediately to their respective countries.

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