
In: Operations Management

Take a career you’re (considering) pursuing. The career that I would like to pursue is an...

Take a career you’re (considering) pursuing. The career that I would like to pursue is an Event Planner.

On the scale from obedience loyalty to free agency, where do you imagine most employees in that line of work are located? Why?


Expert Solution

In the above question the Pursued career is Event Planner. The work of the Event planner is to endure that the overall event is successful and all the activities in the even are taken into account. The employees of event planner take care of the following duties

  • Organizing all the possible facilities of client
  • fixing the meeting with client to know what exactly they wants
  • fixing meeting with supply chains and different department to assure that all the requirement of the client is fulfilled
  • Fulfilling the organization strategies and combining it with client centric preferences.

If we talk about the scale it has the following bench marks

  • Obedience Loyalty
  • Balanced Loyalty
  • Free agency

Lets discuss one by one to know better where the employees can be located


In the name itself it has obey ,this makes it rigid ad extreme. in this type of loyalty the employees are expected to follow proper and complete rules and regulation.

In this scenario the approach is that the employees worth in only till the time they are giving to the organization. The less the time they give the more are they worthless. The motive behind this type of loyalty is to check the dedication of employees towards the organization. Whether the employee can work late or will sacrifice all the other important factors of their lives for the organization.

Many profession pursue this loyalty like political organization or labor union who actually risk the employees life for the outcome or result.The best example is undercover agent who risk their lives to get the coordinates so that the nation's life is not at risk.

Hence this loyalty is very rigid and one has to sacrifice everything even their lives for the sake of the duties they are doing.


In this loyal the word balance is used. This means that there is balance relationship between the employer and the employee. Here worth of both the parties are measured. For example the women working for the multinational company. The Women knows the timing and often gets late due to office pressure however that does not meas that she does not have a personal life. She must be having a family to look after or children to take care. in this scenario the employer understand that there is world beyond their organization and personal needs to matter to the employees. The women might think of switch to other company paying her higher incentives ,as she might have demonstrated a balanced sense of loyalty.

However the efforts have been made by the employer to urge the employees to stay for longer hours and work for the organization but they cannot stop them from doing their personal duty.


In this type of loyalty the word free is used. This means minimizing the loyalty factor . If the theories are to be believed this type of loyalty should be opted by all as how can the profit making organization expects for the loyalty . In this this means that loyalty should be shown only to personal members like relatives and not to the organization.

In the era where everyone is thinking about their own profit about their own designation than how can they think about loyalty from the employees. Even employees will switch for better opportunities and the organization will employee more expert for better profits . Hence in this case there is freedom of everything and no one is loyal to each other.

Now after understanding all the three case we gets to the conclusion that the first and last are the most extreme case. If one is pursuing the carrier in Event planner than most of employees will opt for balance loyalty as :

  • The employee have the say in the organization , this will help them to think creative and out of the box. Moreover their work will be recognized
  • The personal life will not be suffered due to their job, however at the time of peak season they can give more time to the organization
  • The employee are free to switch to the better organization or even can start their own company.
  • There is the balance relation between employer employee and personal and professional life.

Why Event planner does not fits in the rest two loyalty ?

  • The rigid working and sacrificing is never the option for event planner as they need to think creatively for the successful completion of events.
  • The even planners job is restricted to the even hence there lives are not at risk because there main work is to plan and make the planning implement.
  • There is not an option of no loyalty as there is always job insecurity in this profession.
  • Although there is scope of profit making in this sector but that is due to the creative thinking of employee hence the employer has to retain their employees no matter what.

Hence from the above discussion it is clear that for EVENT PLANNER , balanced loyalty is appropriate and on the scale people will locate on this loyalty.

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