
In: Psychology

Joe Moxingo wrote an article about chuldren growing up in a run down motel in San...

Joe Moxingo wrote an article about chuldren growing up in a run down motel in San Bernadino. This perosn wrote to him.

We read often about the horrors throughout the world, but reporter Joe Mozingo’s pieceLinks to an external site. on the horrors faced by so many children from birth focuses on a group of kids closer to home in San Bernardino. We, as a society, have failed terribly. We ignore the growing poverty in our dense and expanding population, the huge drug addiction problem and the lack of protections for these vulnerable people within our own country. Billions of dollars are spent on worthless politicians, endless wars and more, and corporate greed causes business leaders to evade their responsibility to enhance communities. Furthermore, what was once a successful public education system has become a disaster. To begin with, we must curb population growth. We need to teach sex, health, drug and alcohol education starting at an early age. Next, we can give humans a feeling of worth through vocational training, bringing back a focus on the arts and allowing educators to control the curriculum again. I have touched many lives over my 34-year teaching career. We all need to contribute to a better, more humane world. It starts today with each one of us.   DEE WHITE, Dana Point

Question: How would Thomas Hobbes of answered or solved this?


Expert Solution

Joe Moxingo in his article has put up the global problems related to poverty in growing populaton , the huge drug addiction problems ,the education system.His raised topics are really not been focused on a serious note. we shall start picking up his points one by one& put forward , to create awareness that these subjects are to be handled at the earliest, other wise the consequence may become a horror or a disaster in the society.

The case was published in Los Angels Times - In San Berhardino hotel ,about calling the attention to the society that increasing of the crime rate, the subpar education system , the drugs & the home less wich the society is facing in the country

Americas many welfare programmes were excuted ,the surveys stated that the fedral povery rate was 15% ,& there was a drop or about 2.5% because pre tax cash income adjusted by family size,steps for urban consumer inflation (CPI-U),the in kind transfers like housing & nutrition assistance .Correcting for tax & inflation rate alone made a difference to decline the poverty problem.

U.S struggles with drug addition problem, the harms caused to society were significant as, family breakdowns, child abuse, vehicle accidents,educational problems,loss of employment are linked to drug addition. NATIONAL SURVEY ON DRUG USE & HEALTH monitered the problem & are working on it(.SAMHSA) Substance Abuse and mental health services administration monitored it assessed the nation wide drug ,alcohol consumer stats & started working on the controls. Many rehabilitation programmes are undergoing to eridicate this problems. States has employed the policy of harsh sentencing of drug offenders & sending them to rehabilation centres.A programme called as WAR ON DRUGS was introduced to reduce drug addiction & drug related crimes.Many agencies have come forward to reconize the drug problems & are taking action to solve it.

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