In: Operations Management
1. "New-service development is typically a linear process". Elaboraye on thus statement.
Development of new-service / product is rarely a linear operation. Many organizations are finding they can speed up the new-service creation cycle so that several steps can be worked on concurrently and even a stage can be skipped in some instances. It's not unusual to see a service provider negotiating on a new project in the planning stages when releasing the existing product at the same time. Flexible product creation has been referred to as the combination of steps and simultaneous creation of different parts of new-service / product development. This form of versatile, speedy process is especially important in technology industries, where services are rapidly evolving.
2. What should be the two primary objectives of the service provider as it enters the commercialization stage of the new-service development process?
The first goal is to develop and sustain appreciation and even excitement for the new service among service delivery workers who will be responsible for day-to-day quality of service. If the service personnel is active in the design and development process, this job would be easier to accomplish. The second goal is to track all facets of the service during the entire service cycle and throughout the implementation. Each detail of the service needs to be measured in terms of phone calls, face-to-face purchases, billing, complaints and issues with delivery. Efficiency and cost of service should be tracked simultaneously.
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