
In: Computer Science

Please include all text files !! Welcome to the second individual assignment in ITEC-3860! The goal...

Please include all text files !!

Welcome to the second individual assignment in ITEC-3860! The goal from these series of individual assignments is to warm up your programming skills for the final project deliverable for your text-based adventure game. In games of this sort, the player wanders around from one location to another, picking up objects, and solving simple puzzles. The program you will create for this assignment is considerably less elaborate than the final project deliverable and it therefore limited in terms of number of rooms, items, monsters etc. Even so, you can still write a program that captures much of the spirit and flavor of the final game. ( text based adventure game )

This handout contains what you need to know about the second individual deliverable along with a number of hints and strategic suggestions.


  1. Player is able to navigate between rooms
  2. Map information (including rooms’ descriptions, connections) are being retrieved from text file
  3. If you have not retrieve navigation command from text file in the first assignment I didn’t take points off but I will in the second assignment. So, make sure to get this feature implemented. Your navigation commands (N, E, S, W) should be retrieved from text file.
  4. Your code is keeping track of visited rooms

Goal: implement the items and puzzle feature as directed below.

Items feature:

Now that the player is able to navigate between different rooms, for the second assignment deliverable your goal is to allow the player to interact with 3 different items of your choice in three different rooms. Interaction behaviuor with items should include the exact following commands:

  1. Examine item-name: this command will allow the player to retrieve the description of the examined item. Your game should display the description of the examined item to the console/GUI.
  2. Pick item-name: this command will add the item to the player inventory.
    1. Your game should display that the item has been added to the player inventory by displaying the following message to the console/GUI “Item-name has been picked up from the room and successfully added to the player inventory.
    2. Upon picking up an item from a room, the item should disappear from the room and the player should not see the item again when visiting the same room.
  3. Drop item-name: this command should allow the player to access any item in the inventory and drop it in the current room.
    1. When an item is dropped, it should be dropped in the current room and be available for the player to interact with again for reexamine and re-pickup.
    2. Upon dropping an item, your game should display the following message to the console/GUI “Item-name has been dropped successfully from the player inventory and placed in room-name”

Hint: The items will move around in the game as the player picks them up or drops them off. Therefore, your implementation must therefore provide a facility (internal data structure) for storing objects in a room and in the player’s inventory of items. The easiest approach is to use an ArrayList, which makes it easy to add and remove items.

Under the assumption that you have followed the suggested text file structure (You are allowed to use different structure as long as you are able to fulfill the requirements) your text file for this deliverable could look like the one in the figure below:

You will need to consider adding another text file that holds the items information The entries in the items text file can consist of three lines indicating the word used to refer to the item, the description of the item that appears when you encounter it, and the room number in which the item  is initially located. For example, this file indicates that the keys are in room 3, the lamp is room 8, and the rod is in room 12.

Puzzle feature:

Your goal is to allow the player to interact with one puzzle of your choice in any of the rooms. The interaction behavior with the puzzle should include the following commands:

  1. One the player enters a room with a puzzle, the game must display the puzzle description to the console/GUI and wait for the player to enter an answer.
  2. Each puzzle has number of attempts allowed
  3. If the player enters the correct answer, the game must display “you solved the puzzle correctly!” and the puzzle must disappear from the room. Note, the puzzle should disappear from the game and never show up again while navigating between rooms.
  4. If the player enters wrong answer, the game will subtract 1 attempt from the allowed attempt and allow the player to provide an answer again. The game must display “the answer you provided is wrong, you still have number-of-attempt. Try one more time”
  5. If the player is not able to solve the puzzle correctly after the given number of attempts, the game will display “failed to solve” message to the player and the puzzle must disappear from the game and never show up again while navigating between rooms.

Hit: in the text file, you can link the puzzle to the room similar to items. You need to consider adding puzzle text file to hold the following information puzzle name, description, answer, number of attempts etc.

Important notes:

  1. Please note that this is not a programming class where I am expected to trouble shoot your code. However, I found over the years of teaching this class that students need similar programming exercise to review their programming skills in preparation for the final project deliverable. To help you I will discuss possible solutions in the class and show you sample code and record some videos and you will put time and efforts to get your code up and running properly.
  2. Use either JAVA Eclipse or IntelliJ
  3. Grading code takes lots of time so keep your code clean, organized and understandable by adding comments. The more organized your code is the quicker I can grade and the faster you will get a feedback.
  4. Don’t fix the file path in your code
  5. If your code doesn’t run you will get ‘0’ for this assignment. If your code runs but have partial behaviuor you will get partial credits. e.g. your code runs and allows me to navigate between rooms but doesn’t keep track of visited rooms, then I will take points off for this missing requirements.

The third assignment will add more to the first and second assignment. Therefore, it is important to finish this assignment on time and as directed. Otherwise, you will fall behind quickly.


Expert Solution

Working code implemented in Java and appropriate comments provided for better understanding.

Note: I am not able to share text files. That's why I am sharing all text files through a link.


Mirror Link:

Here I am attaching code for these files:


import java.util.*;

* This class reads the file "RoomMap2.txt", "Items.txt", & "Puzzles.txt" & guides the player through a each room.
* Purpose: Methods and attributes needed to create a new player of
* Player class. Read the text file, adds the each object into the
* arraylist, & allows the player to choose which direction they want to go.
public class Driver
   public static void main(String[] args)
       //new Player object
       Player player = new Player();
       //open text file
       File roomFile = new File("RoomMap.txt");
       //open a Scanner to read data from File
       Scanner roomReader = null;
           roomReader = new Scanner(roomFile);
       catch (FileNotFoundException e)
           System.out.println("The RoomMap.txt file has not been found");
       // read one value at a time
       while(roomReader != null && roomReader.hasNext())
           //assign values to attributes
           String roomNum = roomReader.nextLine();
           String desc = roomReader.nextLine();
           String visitedString = roomReader.nextLine();
           boolean visited = Boolean.parseBoolean(visitedString);
           String itemString = roomReader.nextLine();
           boolean item = Boolean.parseBoolean(itemString);
           String puzzleString = roomReader.nextLine();
           boolean puzzle = Boolean.parseBoolean(puzzleString);
           String north = roomReader.nextLine();
           String east = roomReader.nextLine();
           String south = roomReader.nextLine();
           String west = roomReader.nextLine();
           //create a new object & add it to the arraylist
           Room room = new Room(roomNum, desc, visited, item, puzzle, north, east, south, west);
       //open text file
       File itemFile = new File("Items.txt");
       //open a Scanner to read data from File
       Scanner itemReader = null;
           itemReader = new Scanner(itemFile);
       catch (FileNotFoundException e)
           System.out.println("The Items.txt file has not been found");
       // read one value at a time
       while (itemReader != null && itemReader.hasNext())
           // assign values to attributes
           String itemName = itemReader.nextLine();
           String itemDesc = itemReader.nextLine();
           String itemLocation = itemReader.nextLine();
           // create a new object & add it to the arraylist
           Item item = new Item(itemName, itemDesc, itemLocation);
       //open text file
       File puzzleFile = new File("Puzzles.txt");
       // open a Scanner to read data from File
       Scanner puzzleReader = null;
           puzzleReader = new Scanner(puzzleFile);
       catch (FileNotFoundException e)
           System.out.println("The Puzzles.txt file has not been found");
       // read one value at a time
       while (puzzleReader != null && puzzleReader.hasNext())
           // assign values to attributes
           String puzzleLocation = puzzleReader.nextLine();
           String question = puzzleReader.nextLine();
           String answer = puzzleReader.nextLine();
           String attempts = puzzleReader.nextLine();
           // create a new object & add it to the arraylist
           Puzzle puzzle = new Puzzle(puzzleLocation, question, answer, attempts);
       // open text file
       File helpFile = new File("Help.txt");
       // open a Scanner to read data from File
       Scanner helpReader = null;
           helpReader = new Scanner(helpFile);
       catch (FileNotFoundException e)
           System.out.println("The Help.txt file has not been found");
       // read one value at a time
       while (helpReader != null && helpReader.hasNext())
           // assign values to attributes
           String command = helpReader.nextLine();
           // create a new object & add it to the arraylist
           Help help = new Help(command);
       // open text file
       File navFile = new File("Navigation.txt");
       // open a Scanner to read data from File
       Scanner navReader = null;
           navReader = new Scanner(navFile);
       catch (FileNotFoundException e)
           System.out.println("The Navigation.txt file has not been found");
       // read one value at a time
       while (navReader != null && navReader.hasNext())
           // assign values to attributes
           String roomNav = navReader.nextLine();
           String beginningLine = navReader.nextLine();
           String nav = navReader.nextLine();
           String middleLine = navReader.nextLine();
           String header = navReader.nextLine();
           String north = navReader.nextLine();
           String east = navReader.nextLine();
           String south = navReader.nextLine();
           String west = navReader.nextLine();
           String endingLine = navReader.nextLine();
           // create a new object & add it to the arraylist
           Navigation navi = new Navigation(roomNav, beginningLine, nav, middleLine, header, north, east, south, west, endingLine);
       Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
       //starting point
       int roomId = 0;
       boolean done = false;;
       //repeats the program
           while (Map.getRoomItems().get(roomId).hasPuzzle())
               for (int i = 0; i < Puzzle.getPuzzleItems().size(); i++)
                   if (Map.getRoomItems().get(roomId).getRoomNum().equals(Puzzle.getPuzzleItems().get(i).getPuzzleLocation()))
                       String input =;
           //states which room the player is currently in based on the roomId
           System.out.println("You are currently in Room #" + Map.getRoomItems().get(roomId).getRoomNum());
           //asks which direction the player would like to go
           String input =;
           if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("c"))
           else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("examine"))
               String input2 =;
               if (input2.equalsIgnoreCase("room"))
               else if (input2.equalsIgnoreCase("inventory"))
           else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("pickup"))
               String input2 =;
           else if(input.equalsIgnoreCase("drop"))
               String input2 =;
           else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("n"))
               String direction = Map.getRoomItems().get(roomId).getNorth();
               //checks to see if the player can go north
           else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("e"))
               String direction = Map.getRoomItems().get(roomId).getEast();
               //checks to see if the player can go east
           else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("s"))
               String direction = Map.getRoomItems().get(roomId).getSouth();
               //checks to see if the player can go south
           else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("w"))
               String direction = Map.getRoomItems().get(roomId).getWest();
               //checks to see if the player can go west
           else if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("quit"))
               System.out.println("You have successfully quit the game.");
               done = true;
               System.out.println("Invalid input. Please try again.");
           //this room has officially been visited
           //assigns a new roomId based on the new location of the player
           roomId = Player.getPlayerLocation();

import java.util.ArrayList;

* Class: Help
* @author Taylor Williams
* @version 2.0
* Course: ITEC 3860 Spring 2020
* Written: Maqrch 14, 2020
* This class describes the commands & helpful tips the player might need
public class Help
   private String help;
   private static ArrayList<Help> commands = new ArrayList<Help>();
   public Help()
       // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
   * @param help
   public Help(String help)
       super(); = help;

   * @return the help
   public String getHelp()
       return help;

   * @param help the help to set
   public void setHelp(String help)
   { = help;
   //adds Help objects into the arraylist
   public static void addCommands(Help h)
   public static ArrayList<Help> getCommands()
       return commands;
   public void askHelp()
       for (int i = 0; i < getCommands().size(); i++)
       System.out.println("Type \"C\" at anytime to see your commands.");

import java.util.ArrayList;

* Class: Item
* This class describes the common attributes and
* methods of the Items being collected into an inventory
public class Item
   private String itemName;
   private String itemDesc;
   private String itemLocation;
   private static ArrayList<Item> itemItems = new ArrayList<Item>();
   //counts items
   private int count;
   public Item()
       // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
   * @param itemName
   * @param itemDesc
   * @param itemLocation
   public Item(String itemName, String itemDesc, String itemLocation)
       this.itemName = itemName;
       this.itemDesc = itemDesc;
       this.itemLocation = itemLocation;

   * @return the itemName
   public String getItemName()
       return itemName;
   * @param itemName the itemName to set
   public void setItemName(String itemName)
       this.itemName = itemName;
   * @return the itemDesc
   public String getItemDesc()
       return itemDesc;
   * @param itemDesc the itemDesc to set
   public void setItemDesc(String itemDesc)
       this.itemDesc = itemDesc;

   * @return the itemLocation
   public String getItemLocation()
       return itemLocation;

   * @param itemLocation the itemLocation to set
   public void setItemLocation(String itemLocation)
       this.itemLocation = itemLocation;
   //adds Item objects into the arraylist
   public static void addItem(Item i)
   //removes Item objects from the arraylist
   public static void removeItem(Item i)
   //returns Item objects
   public static ArrayList<Item> getItemItems()
return itemItems;
   //examines items
   public void examineItem(String item)
       for (int i = 0; i < getItemItems().size(); i++)
           if (item.equalsIgnoreCase(getItemItems().get(i).getItemName()))
       for (int i = 0; i < Player.getInventory().size(); i++)
           if (item.equalsIgnoreCase(Player.getInventory().get(i).getItemName()))
   //removes Item objects from the itemItems arraylist and adds them into the Inventory arraylist
   public void pickUp(String item)
       count = 0;
       for (int i = 0; i < getItemItems().size(); i++)
           if (item.equalsIgnoreCase(getItemItems().get(i).getItemName()))
               for (i = 0; i < Player.getInventory().size(); i++)
                   if (item.equalsIgnoreCase(Player.getInventory().get(i).getItemName()))
                       System.out.println(Player.getInventory().get(i).getItemName() + " has been picked up from the room and successfully added to the player inventory.");
               for (i = 0; i < getItemItems().size(); i++)
                   if (Map.getRoomItems().get(Player.getPlayerLocation()).hasItem())
                       if (Map.getRoomItems().get(Player.getPlayerLocation()).getRoomNum().equals(getItemItems().get(i).getItemLocation()))
                       if (count == 0)
               if(getItemItems().size() == 0)
   //removes Item objects from the arraylist
   public void drop(String item)
       count = 0;
       for (int i = 0; i < Player.getInventory().size(); i++)
           if (item.equalsIgnoreCase(Player.getInventory().get(i).getItemName()))
               for (i = 0; i < getItemItems().size(); i++)
                   if (item.equalsIgnoreCase(getItemItems().get(i).getItemName()))
                       System.out.println(getItemItems().get(i).getItemName() + " has been dropped successfully from the player inventory and placed in the " + Map.getRoomItems().get(Player.getPlayerLocation()).getDesc());
                   if (Map.getRoomItems().get(Player.getPlayerLocation()).hasItem() == false)
                       if (Map.getRoomItems().get(Player.getPlayerLocation()).getRoomNum().equals(getItemItems().get(i).getItemLocation()))
                       if (count > 0)

import java.util.*;

* Purpose: Methods and attributes needed to create a Map of Room class items.
public class Map
   //actual Map data
   private static ArrayList<Room> roomItems = new ArrayList<Room>();
   //adds Room objects into the arraylist
   public static void addRoom(Room r)
   //returns Room objects
   public static ArrayList<Room> getRoomItems()
return roomItems;
   //gets the information of the specific room
   public void getRoom(String direction)
       if (direction.equals("0"))
           //invalid direction
           System.out.println("Sorry! You cannot go in this direction! Try typing in a different direction.");
       else if (direction != "0")
           //-1 because the arraylist starts at index 0
           int location = Integer.parseInt(direction)-1;
               //previously visited room
               System.out.println("This room looks familliar...");
               //updates player location
   //lists what is in the room
   public void examineRoom(String item)
       if (item.equalsIgnoreCase("room"))
           System.out.println("You are in the: " + Map.getRoomItems().get(Player.getPlayerLocation()).getDesc());
           if (Map.getRoomItems().get(Player.getPlayerLocation()).hasItem())
               System.out.println("The item(s) in this room: ");
               for (int i = 0; i < Item.getItemItems().size(); i++)
                   if (Map.getRoomItems().get(Player.getPlayerLocation()).getRoomNum().equals(Item.getItemItems().get(i).getItemLocation()))
                       System.out.print(" \"" + Item.getItemItems().get(i).getItemName() + "\"");
               System.out.println(" ]");
               System.out.println("This room is empty.");

import java.util.ArrayList;

* Class: Navigation
* This class describes the navigation pane that shows
* where the player can go based on their location
public class Navigation
   private String roomNav;
   private String beginningLine;
   private String nav;
   private String middleLine;
   private String header;
   private String north;
   private String east;
   private String south;
   private String west;
   private String endingLine;
   private static ArrayList<Navigation> directions = new ArrayList<Navigation>();
   public Navigation()
       // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

   * @param roomNav
   * @param beginningLine
   * @param nav
   * @param middleLine
   * @param header
   * @param north
   * @param east
   * @param south
   * @param west
   * @param endingLine
   public Navigation(String roomNav, String beginningLine, String nav, String middleLine, String header, String north,
           String east, String south, String west, String endingLine)
       this.roomNav = roomNav;
       this.beginningLine = beginningLine;
       this.nav = nav;
       this.middleLine = middleLine;
       this.header = header;
       this.north = north;
       this.east = east;
       this.south = south;
       this.west = west;
       this.endingLine = endingLine;

   * @return the roomNav
   public String getRoomNav()
       return roomNav;

   * @param roomNav the roomNav to set
   public void setRoomNav(String roomNav)
       this.roomNav = roomNav;

   * @return the beginningLine
   public String getBeginningLine()
       return beginningLine;

   * @param beginningLine the beginningLine to set
   public void setBeginningLine(String beginningLine)
       this.beginningLine = beginningLine;

   * @return the nav
   public String getNav()
       return nav;

   * @param nav the nav to set
   public void setNav(String nav)
       this.nav = nav;

   * @return the middleLine
   public String getMiddleLine()
       return middleLine;

   * @param middleLine the middleLine to set
   public void setMiddleLine(String middleLine)
       this.middleLine = middleLine;

   * @return the header
   public String getHeader()
       return header;

   * @param header the header to set
   public void setHeader(String header)
       this.header = header;

   * @return the north
   public String getNorth()
       return north;

   * @param north the north to set
   public void setNorth(String north)
       this.north = north;

   * @return the east
   public String getEast()
       return east;

   * @param east the east to set
   public void setEast(String east)
       this.east = east;

   * @return the south
   public String getSouth()
       return south;

   * @param south the south to set
   public void setSouth(String south)
       this.south = south;

   * @return the west
   public String getWest()
       return west;

   * @param west the west to set
   public void setWest(String west)
       this.west = west;

   * @return the endingLine
   public String getEndingLine()
       return endingLine;

   * @param endingLine the endingLine to set
   public void setEndingLine(String endingLine)
       this.endingLine = endingLine;
   //adds Navigation objects into the arraylist
   public static void addNavigation(Navigation n)
   public static ArrayList<Navigation> getDirections()
       return directions;
   public void getNavigation(int roomId)

import java.util.ArrayList;

* Class: Player
* This class gives the player access to the map, items, an item inventory. The player also sets/gets their current location,
* gets info from the inventory, picks up/drops/examines items, & solves puzzles
public class Player
   private static int roomId;
   //inventory of items
   private static ArrayList<Item> inventory = new ArrayList<Item>();
   //has access to the Item class
   Item item = new Item();
   //has access to the Help class
   Help help = new Help();
   //has access to the Navigation class
   Navigation navigation = new Navigation();
   //has access to the Map class
   Map map = new Map();
   //has access to the Puzzle class
   Puzzle puzzle = new Puzzle();
   //places the player inside the specific room
   public static void setPlayerLocation(int x)
       roomId = x;
   //locates the player
   public static int getPlayerLocation()
       return roomId;
   //gets items in inventory
   public static ArrayList<Item> getInventory()
return inventory;
   //lists the items int the inventory (if there are any)
   public void examineInventory(String item)
       if (item.equalsIgnoreCase("inventory"))
           if (getInventory().size() == 0)
               System.out.println("Your inventory is empty.");
               System.out.println("The item(s) in your inventory: ");
               for (int i = 0; i < getInventory().size(); i++)
                   System.out.print(" \"" + getInventory().get(i).getItemName() + "\"");
               System.out.println(" ]");

import java.util.ArrayList;

* Class: Puzzle
* This class describes the common attributes and
* methods of the Puzzles being collected into an inventory
public class Puzzle
   private String puzzleLocation;
   private String question;
   private String answer;
   private String attempts;
   private static ArrayList<Puzzle> puzzleItems = new ArrayList<Puzzle>();
   public Puzzle()
       // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

   * @param puzzleLocation
   * @param question
   * @param answer
   * @param attempts
   public Puzzle(String puzzleLocation, String question, String answer, String attempts)
       this.puzzleLocation = puzzleLocation;
       this.question = question;
       this.answer = answer;
       this.attempts = attempts;

   * @return the puzzleLocation
   public String getPuzzleLocation()
       return puzzleLocation;

   * @param puzzleLocation the puzzleLocation to set
   public void setPuzzleLocation(String puzzleLocation)
       this.puzzleLocation = puzzleLocation;

   * @return the question
   public String getQuestion()
       return question;

   * @param question the question to set
   public void setQuestion(String question)
       this.question = question;

   * @return the answer
   public String getAnswer()
       return answer;

   * @param answer the answer to set
   public void setAnswer(String answer)
       this.answer = answer;

   * @return the attempts
   public String getAttempts()
       return attempts;

   * @param attempts the attempts to set
   public void setAttempts(String attempts)
       this.attempts = attempts;
   public static ArrayList<Puzzle> getPuzzleItems()
return puzzleItems;
   //adds Puzzle objects into the arraylist
   public static void addPuzzle(Puzzle p)
   //removes Puzzle objects from the arraylist
   public static void removePuzzle(Puzzle p)
   public void solvePuzzle(String answer)
       for (int i = 0; i < getPuzzleItems().size(); i++)
           int attempts = Integer.parseInt(getPuzzleItems().get(i).getAttempts());
           if (answer.equalsIgnoreCase(getPuzzleItems().get(i).getAnswer()))
               System.out.println("You solved the puzzle correctly!");
               String attempted = Integer.toString(attempts);
               if (attempts > 0)
                   System.out.println("The answer you provided is wrong, you still have " + attempts
                           + " more attempt(s). Try one more time");
                   System.out.println("Failed to solve");

* Class: Room
* This class describes the common attributes and
* methods of the Room being collected into an inventory
public class Room
   private String roomNum;
   private String desc;  
   private boolean visited;
   private boolean item;
   private boolean puzzle;
   private String north;
   private String east;
   private String south;
   private String west;
   public Room()
   * @param roomNum
   * @param desc
   * @param visited
   * @param north
   * @param east
   * @param south
   * @param west
   public Room(String roomNum, String desc, boolean visited, boolean item, boolean puzzle, String north, String east, String south,
           String west)
       this.roomNum = roomNum;
       this.desc = desc;
       this.visited = false;
       this.item = item;
       this.puzzle = puzzle;
       this.north = north;
       this.east = east;
       this.south = south;
       this.west = west;

   * @return the roomNum
   public String getRoomNum()
       return roomNum;

   * @param roomNum the roomNum to set
   public void setRoomNum(String roomNum)
       this.roomNum = roomNum;

   * @return the desc
   public String getDesc()
       return desc;

   * @param desc the desc to set
   public void setDesc(String desc)
       this.desc = desc;

   * @return the visited
   public boolean isVisited()
       return visited;

   * @param visited the visited to set
   public void setVisited(boolean visited)
       this.visited = visited;

   * @return the item
   public boolean hasItem()
       return item;

   * @param item the item to set
   public void setItem(boolean item)
       this.item = item;
   * @return the puzzle
   public boolean hasPuzzle()
       return puzzle;

   * @param puzzle the puzzle to set
   public void setPuzzle(boolean puzzle)
       this.puzzle = puzzle;
   * @return the north
   public String getNorth()
       return north;

   * @param north the north to set
   public void setNorth(String north)
       this.north = north;

   * @return the east
   public String getEast()
       return east;

   * @param east the east to set
   public void setEast(String east)
       this.east = east;

   * @return the south
   public String getSouth()
       return south;

   * @param south the south to set
   public void setSouth(String south)
       this.south = south;

   * @return the west
   public String getWest()
       return west;

   * @param west the west to set
   public void setWest(String west)
       this.west = west;

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