
In: Computer Science

I need this code in C++ form using visual studios please: Create a class that simulates...

I need this code in C++ form using visual studios please:

Create a class that simulates an alarm clock. In this class you should:

•       Store time in hours, minutes, and seconds. Note if time is AM or PM. (Hint: You should have separate private members for the alarm and the clock. Do not forget to have a character variable representing AM or PM.)

•       Initialize the clock to a specified time.

•       Allow the clock to increment to the next second. (Hint: You need to take into account things like if the clock's time is 11:59:59 AM and you increment by a second, the time will be

12:00:00 PM. You may need to consider some iterated if statements.)

•       Set the alarm and have the alarm print out "WAKE UP" when the set time is reached. (Hint: You may wish to create a private function that provides the wished-for printout when the alarm time is reached and the alarm clock is on.)     Display the present time.

•       Use the class in a program that uses the functions requiring displaying of time and setting of the alarm.

Include 2 constructors. One constructor should be the default constructor that will initialize the object to 12:00:00 AM. The second constructor should take parameters for hours, minutes, seconds, and AM/PM. Both constructors will provide the private members with the time. In addition, have both constructors set the alarm clock as off. (You will need a Boolean variable that determines whether the alarm is on or off). The function or method you use to set the alarm will set the alarm on.


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;

class AlarmClock {
// Only included one constructor, since it does both the jobs that were required in the question
AlarmClock(int h = 12, int m = 0, int s = 0, bool am = true) {

// Make an operator to allow incrementing the time by one second.
void operator++(int s) {
    if(secs != 59)
    else {
      secs = 0;
      if(mins != 59)
      else {
   mins = 0;
   setHours(hours + 1);


// Check if it is time to set off the alarm
void checkAlarm() {
    if(hours == ahours && mins == amins && secs == asecs)
      cout << "WAKE UP!!!" << endl;

void setHours(int h) {
    if(h < 0)
      throw invalid_argument("Can't set the hours to less than 0");
    if(0 == h) {
      hours = 12;
    } else if(h < 12) {
      hours = h;
    } else if(12 == h) {
      hours = h;
    } else if(h < 24) {
      hours = h-12;
    } else
      throw invalid_argument("Can't set the hour to greater than 24");

int getHours() {
    return hours;

void setMins(int m) {
    if(m < 0)
      throw invalid_argument("Can't set the minute to less than 0");
    else if(m < 60) {
      mins = m;
    } else
      throw invalid_argument("Can't set the minute to greater than 59");

int getMins() {
    return mins;

void setSecs(int s) {
    if(s < 0)
      throw invalid_argument("Can't set the second to less than 0");
    else if(s < 60) {
      secs = s;
    } else
      throw invalid_argument("Can't set the second to greater than 59");

int getSecs() {
    return secs;

void setAm(bool am) {
    isam = am;

bool getAm() {
    return isam;

void alternateAm() {
      isam = false;
      isam = true;

void setAlarm(int h, int m, int s, bool am) {
    aon = true;

// Now a set of functions for setting up the alarm's time

void asetHours(int h) {
    if(h < 0)
      throw invalid_argument("Can't set the hours to less than 0");
    if(0 == h) {
      ahours = 12;
    } else if(h < 12) {
      ahours = h;
    } else if(h < 24) {
      ahours = h-12;
    } else
      throw invalid_argument("Can't set the hour to greater than 24");

void aalternateAm() {
      aisam = false;
      aisam = true;

int agetHours() {
    return ahours;

void asetMins(int m) {
    if(m < 0)
      throw invalid_argument("Can't set the minute to less than 0");
    else if(m < 60) {
      amins = m;
    } else
      throw invalid_argument("Can't set the minute to greater than 59");

int agetMins() {
    return amins;

void asetSecs(int s) {
    if(s < 0)
      throw invalid_argument("Can't set the second to less than 0");
    else if(s < 60) {
      asecs = s;
    } else
      throw invalid_argument("Can't set the second to greater than 59");

int agetSecs() {
    return asecs;

void asetAm(bool am) {
    aisam = am;

bool agetAm() {
    return aisam;

void printTime() {
    cout << "Hours:" << hours
   << " Mins:" << mins
   << " Secs:" << secs
   << " AM:" << isam << endl;
int hours; // Current time - hours
int mins; // Current time - minutes
int secs; // Current time - seconds
bool isam; // Current time - AM/PM
bool aon; // Alarm - On/Off
int ahours; // Alarm - hours
int amins; // Alarm - minutes
int asecs; // Alarm - seconds
bool aisam; // Alarm - AM/PM
}; // End class AlarmClock

int main() {
AlarmClock a(11, 59, 57, true), b(4, 15, 50, true), c(15) ;
int counter;

cout << "Time is: ";
while(counter != 0) {
    cout << "Enter 0 to quit. How much do you want to increment the time by, in seconds? ";
    cin >> counter;
    for(int i = 0; i < counter; i++) {


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