
In: Computer Science

Code should be written in C++ using Visual Studios Community This requires several classes to interact...

Code should be written in C++ using Visual Studios Community

This requires several classes to interact with each other. Two class aggregations are formed. The program will simulate a police officer giving out tickets for parked cars whose meters have expired.

You must include both a header file and an implementation file for each class.

Car class (include Car.h and Car.cpp) Contains the information about a car.

  • Contains data members for the following
    • String make
    • String model
    • String color
    • String license number
  • Default constructor
  • Mutators and accessors for all data members
  • Overload the << operator.

ParkedCar class (include ParkedCar.cpp ParkedCar.h) simulates a parked car. Knows which type of car is parked and the number of minutes that the car has been parked.

  • Contains data members for the following
    • Car (instance of the class above)
    • Integer minutes parked.
  • Default constructor
  • Constructor (5 parameters)
  • Copy constructor
  • Mutators and accessors for data members other than Car
  • Overload the << operator

ParkingMeter class (include ParkingMeter.h and ParkingMeter.cpp) simulates a parking meter. Should know the number of minutes of parking time that has been purchased.

  • Contains data members for the following
    • Integer minutes purchased to park
  • Default constructor
  • Constructor (1 parameter)
  • Mutator and accessor for data member
  • Overload the << operator

ParkingTicket class (include ParkingTicket.h and ParkingTicket.cpp) simulates a parking ticket.

  • Responsibilites are:
    • Report the car information for illegally parked car
    • Report the amount of fine which is $25 for the first hour or part of an hour that the car is illegally parked, plus $10 for every additional hour or part of an hour
  • Contains data members for the following
    • ParkedCar instance of class above
    • Double fine – the calculated parking fine
    • Int minutes – the minutes illegally parked
  • Default constructor
  • Constructor (2 parameter – ParkedCar and integer)
  • Mutator and accessor for all data member
  • Overload the << operator
  • Private method to calculate the fine

PoliceOfficer class (include PoliceOffier.h and PoliceOfficer.cpp)

  • Responsibilites are:
    • Know the name and badge number of the officer
    • Examine a ParkedCar object and a ParkingMeter object and determine whether the car’s time has expired
    • Issue a parking ticket (create a ParkingTicket) if the car’s time has expired
  • Contains data members for the following
    • ParkingTicket pointer to an instance of class above
    • String name of officer
    • String badge number of officer
  • Default constructor (correctly initialize all data members)
  • Constructor (2 parameter – name and badge number, all data member initialized correctly)
  • Mutator and accessor for all data member (not ParkingTicket)
  • Overload the << operator
  • Method called patrol which issues (returns) ParkingTicket as a pointer. Has two parameters ParkedCar and ParkingMeter.

Main should test the interactions of all the classes. The main example below is how the program should work. This is not a complete main. The program should have a car that is not given a ticket, one with a ticket within an hour and another for more than one hour.


#include "ParkedCar.h"
#include "ParkingMeter.h"
#include "ParkingTicket.h"
#include "PoliceOfficer.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
   ParkingTicket *ticket = nullptr;
   ParkedCar car("Volkswagen", "1972", "Red", "147RHZM", 125);
   ParkingMeter meter(60);
   PoliceOfficer officer("Joe Friday", "4788");
   ticket = officer.patrol(car, meter);
   if (ticket != nullptr)
      cout << officer;
      cout << *ticket;

      delete ticket;
      ticket = nullptr;
      cout << "No crimes were committed.\n";

   return 0;


Expert Solution

#pragma once
using namespace std;
class Car {
#pragma region Data Members
string _make, _model, _color, _licenseNumber;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region functions
void setMake(string make);
void setModel(string model);
void setColor(string color);
void setLicenseNum(string licenseNumber);
string getMake();
string getModel();
string getColor();
string getLicenseNumber();
//operator overloading
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&,Car);
#pragma endregion
#define MakeSize 10
using namespace std;

void Car::setMake(string make){ this->_make = make;}
void Car::setModel(string model){this->_model = model;}
void Car::setColor(string color){this->_color = color;}
void Car::setLicenseNum(string licenseNumber) { this->_licenseNumber = _licenseNumber; }

string Car::getMake() { return this->_make; }
string Car::getModel() { return this->_model; }
string Car::getColor() { return this->_color; }
string Car::getLicenseNumber() { return this->_licenseNumber; }

this->_color = "";
this->_licenseNumber = "";
this->_make = "";
this->_model = "";
//operator overloading
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out,Car car) {
out << "Make : " + car.getMake() << endl;
out << "Model : " + car.getModel() << endl;
out << "Color : " + car.getColor() << endl;
out << "License Number : " + car.getLicenseNumber() << endl;
return out;
#pragma once
class ParkedCar
int _minutes;
Car _car;
void setCar(Car);
void setMinutes(int);
int getMinutes();
Car getCar();
ParkedCar(string, string, string, string, int);
ParkedCar(const ParkedCar&);
//operator overloading
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&,ParkedCar);

#include "ParkedCar.h"
using namespace std;
void ParkedCar::setMinutes(int min) { this->_minutes = min; }
void ParkedCar::setCar(Car car) { this->_car = car; }
int ParkedCar::getMinutes() { return this->_minutes; }
Car ParkedCar::getCar() { return this->_car; }
this->_minutes = 0;
ParkedCar::ParkedCar(string carMake, string carModel, string carColor, string carLicense, int minParked) {
this->_minutes = minParked;
ParkedCar::ParkedCar(const ParkedCar& parkedCar) {
// no hints are given for woorking of copy constructor
//operator overloading
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, ParkedCar car) {
out << car;
out << "minutes : " + car.getMinutes()<<endl;
return out;
#pragma once
using namespace std;
class ParkingMeter
int _minPurchased;
void setMinPurchased(int);
int getMinPurchased();
//operator overloading
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, ParkingMeter);

#include "ParkingMeter.h"
using namespace std;
void ParkingMeter::setMinPurchased(int minPurchase) { this->_minPurchased = minPurchase; }
int ParkingMeter::getMinPurchased() { return this->_minPurchased; }
this->_minPurchased = 0;
ParkingMeter::ParkingMeter(int minPurchase) { this->_minPurchased = minPurchase; }
//operator overloading
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, ParkingMeter meter)
out << "Parking Minutes purchased : " + meter.getMinPurchased() << endl;
return out;

#pragma once
class ParkingTickets
ParkedCar _parkedCar;
double _fine;
int _min;
double _calculateFine();
void setParkedCar(ParkedCar);
void setFine(double);
void setMinIllegalParkingTime(int);
ParkedCar getParkedCar();
double getFine();
int getIllegalMin();
ParkingTickets(ParkedCar, int);
//operator overloading
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&,ParkingTickets);
#include "ParkingTickets.h"

double ParkingTickets::_calculateFine(){
int temp = 0;
//for first hour
this->_fine = 25;
temp %= 60;
while (temp > 0) {
this->_fine += 10;
temp %= 60;
return temp;
void ParkingTickets::setParkedCar(ParkedCar car) { this->_parkedCar = car; }
void ParkingTickets::setFine(double fine) { this->_fine = fine; }
void ParkingTickets::setMinIllegalParkingTime(int min) { this->_min = min; }
ParkedCar ParkingTickets::getParkedCar() { return this->_parkedCar; }
double ParkingTickets::getFine() { return this->_fine; }
int ParkingTickets::getIllegalMin() { return this->_min; }
this->_fine = 90;
this->_min = 0;
ParkingTickets::ParkingTickets(ParkedCar car, int min) {
this->_parkedCar = car;
this->_min = min;
//operator overloading
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, ParkingTickets ticket) {
out << ticket.getParkedCar() << endl;
out << "Illegal minutes : " + ticket.getIllegalMin() << endl;
out << "Fine : " << ticket.getFine() << endl;
return out;

#pragma once
using namespace std;
class PoliceOfficer
string _name, _badge;
ParkingTickets *_ticket;

void setName(string);
void setBadge(string);
string getName();
string getBadge();
ParkingTickets* Patrol(ParkedCar,ParkingMeter);
PoliceOfficer(string, string);
//operator overloading
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&,PoliceOfficer);
#include "PoliceOfficer.h"

void PoliceOfficer::setName(string name) { this->_name = name; }
void PoliceOfficer::setBadge(string badge) { this->_badge = badge; }
string PoliceOfficer::getName() { return this->_name; }
string PoliceOfficer::getBadge() { return this->_badge; }
ParkingTickets* PoliceOfficer::Patrol(ParkedCar car, ParkingMeter meter) {
if (meter.getMinPurchased() <= car.getMinutes())//if time is expire, issue new ticket
this->_ticket = new ParkingTickets(car,meter.getMinPurchased());//this will double the purchased time of the car
return this->_ticket;
PoliceOfficer::PoliceOfficer() { this->_name = ""; this->_badge = ""; }
PoliceOfficer::PoliceOfficer(string name, string badge) {
this->_name = name;
this->_badge = badge;
//operator overloading
ostream& operator<<(ostream &out,PoliceOfficer officer) {
out << "Name : "+officer.getName() << endl;
out << "Enter Badge : "+ officer.getBadge() << endl;
return out;

#include <iostream>
#include "ParkedCar.h"
#include "ParkingMeter.h"
#include "ParkingTickets.h"
#include "PoliceOfficer.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
ParkingTickets *ticket = nullptr;
ParkedCar car("Volkswagen", "1972", "Red", "147RHZM", 125);
ParkingMeter meter(60);
PoliceOfficer officer("Joe Friday", "4788");
ticket = officer.Patrol(car, meter);
if (ticket != nullptr)
cout << officer;
cout << *ticket;
delete ticket;
ticket = nullptr;
cout << "No crimes were committed.\n";
return 0;

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