
In: Computer Science

question: Pig LatinPig latin, is a mock language which encrypts english sentences using the following rules:...

question: Pig LatinPig latin, is a mock language which encrypts english sentences using the following rules: For every word in a sentence, the firstletter of the word is shifted to the end of the word and the suffix “-ay” is added at the end of the word. For example, “hey pat”becomes “eyhay atpay”.Implement thepiglatin(str)function so it translates sentences to pig latin. If you have time remaining, try implementing afunction to ”decrypt” piglatin, i.e. given a sentence in piglatin, return the english version of the sentence

def pig_latin(sentence: str) -> str:
    Return a pig latin encrypted version of the given sentence

    >>> pig_latin("that pig is so cute aww")
    'hattay igpay siay osay utecay wwaay'

    >>> pig_latin("utm needs more food options")
    'tmuay eedsnay oremay oodfay ptionsoay'
    # TODO: write this function's body - ay


Expert Solution

Code is well explained in comments=>

#This is Encryption Function
def pig_latin(sentence: str):
    #sentence passed for encryption
    list1=sentence.split(' ')
    #split the sentence by space and store them in list
    #as we have to encrypt each word in sentence
    #Iteration of the list of sentence 
    for i in range(len(list1)):
        #store word in prevStr(temporary string) for encryption
        # as given in question we will take all character in word
        #except 1st by using prevStr[1:] and put first letter of word
        # after it by using prevStr[0] and at last add "ay" at the end
        # finally store them in updateStr
        #once encrytion is done we will store updateStr in list of sentence
    sentence=" ".join(list1)
    #once complete list of sentence is encypted we will convert it 
    #into string of sentence by using join(by space)
    return sentence
#This is decryption Function
def pig_latin_decryption(sentence: str):
    #encrypted text passed for decryption
    list1=sentence.split(' ')
    #split the sentence by space and store them in list
    #as we have to decrypt each word in encrypted text
    #Iteration of the sentence list
    for i in range(len(list1)):
        #store word in prevStr(temporary string) for decryption
        # By basic logics we will take last 3rd character in word 
        #by using prevStr[-3] and then add all characters of
        #word except last three by using prevStr[:len(prevStr)-3]
        # and finally store them in updateStr
    #once Decryption is completed we will convert it 
    #into string of sentence by using join(by space)
    sentence=" ".join(list1)
    return sentence
print("*****Encrypted Text*****")
print(pig_latin("that pig is so cute aww"))
print("*****Decrypted Text*****")
print(pig_latin_decryption("hattay igpay siay osay utecay wwaay"))
#some example

These code uses basic indexing and it is written for python 3.x.

In case of any doubt drop a comment

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