
In: Computer Science

XYZ holdings have many branches. Each branch has a name and is located in a different...

XYZ holdings have many branches. Each branch has a name and is located in a different province.
Each branch has several departments such as marketing, finance, sales and customer relations.
For a department to exist there must be employees employed in each of the departments.
An employee is ether a permanent staff member or a temporary staff member. The difference
between these two types of employees exist in the facts that permanent staff earns a fixed salary
of R30 000 every month and has a medical aid benefit whereas temporary staff members has an
hourly rate of R400 per hour and their monthly salary is dependent on the number of hours
worked each month multiplied by their hourly rate. Temporary staff members also do not have a
medical aid benefit. All employees, however, have a name, surname and employee number.

Q.2.1 Write the pseudocode for class TemporaryEmployee. Also, ensure that you
indicate the relationship between the TemporaryEmployee and Employee
Q.2.2 Using pseudocode, write the mainline logic that will make use of the
appropriate methods in the TemporaryEmployee class to calculate the monthly
salary of a temporary employee. Your mainline logic should prompt the user
for the values needed.

Java programming
Logic and Design


Expert Solution

package learning;
import java.util.*;

class Employee{
        String name;
        String surname;
        String employeeNumber;

class TemporaryEmployee extends Employee{
        int hoursWorked;
        static boolean medicalAid=false;
        TemporaryEmployee(int hours){
                hoursWorked = hours;
        int salary() {
                return 400*hoursWorked;
class Main {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                Scanner input = new Scanner(;
                System.out.print("Enter the number of Hours worked: ");
                int hours = input.nextInt();
                TemporaryEmployee E1 = new TemporaryEmployee(hours);
                System.out.println("Salary: " + E1.salary());


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