
In: Psychology

On Erikson integrity vs despair. On Old Age I: A conversation with Joan Erikson write a...

On Erikson integrity vs despair.

On Old Age I: A conversation with Joan Erikson

  1. write a summary with two to three paragraphs explaining the views of an aging person. You may use the following questions to guide your written work:
    • How do they feel?
    • What do they think about?
    • What is important?
    • What should an aging person do?

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The integrity versus despair stage begins as the aging adult begins to tackle the problem of his or her mortality. The onset of this stage is often triggered by life events such as retirement, the loss of a spouse, the loss of friends and acquaintances, facing a terminal illness, and other changes to major roles in life.

Those who feel proud of their accomplishments will feel a sense of integrity. Successfully completing this phase means looking back with few regrets and a general feeling of satisfaction.

As we grow older (65+ yrs) and become senior citizens, we tend to slow down our productivity and explore life as a retired person.

Erik Erikson believed if we see our lives as unproductive, feel guilt about our past, or feel that we did not accomplish our life goals, we become dissatisfied with life and develop despair, often leading to depression and hopelessness.

Success in this stage will lead to the virtue of wisdom. Wisdom enables a person to look back on their life with a sense of closure and completeness, and also accept death without fear.

Wise people are not characterized by a continuous state of ego integrity, but they experience both ego integrity and despair. Thus, late life is characterized by both integrity and despair as alternating states that need to be balanced.

The elderly have both benefitted and suffered from these rapid social changes. In modern societies, a strong economy created new levels of prosperity for many people. Health care has become more widely accessible and medicine has advanced, allowing the elderly to live longer. However, older people are not as essential to the economic survival of their families and communities as they were in the past.

Aging comes with many challenges. The loss of independence is one potential part of the process, as are diminished physical ability and age discrimination. The term senescence refers to the aging process, including biological, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual changes. This section discusses some of the challenges we encounter during this process.

Most people feel younger or older than they really are – and this 'subjective age' has a big effect on their physical and mental health.

Middle and late adulthood are no longer viewed as irrelevant, because of Erikson, they are now considered active and significant times of personal growth. Middle and late adulthood are no longer viewed as irrelevant, because of Erikson, they are now considered active and significant times of personal growth.

As you age, there will be periods of both joy and stress. It’s important to build resilience and find healthy ways to cope with challenges.

  • Focus on the things you’re grateful for.
  • Acknowledge and express your feelings.
  • Accept the things you can’t change.
  • Take daily action to deal with life’s challenges.
  • Get involved in your community.

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