
In: Computer Science

In c++, Can anyone make these code int user input as user have to put all...

In c++, Can anyone make these code int user input as user have to put all the amount.

int main()
       Polygon p1(3,4,4.5,5.5);
       Polygon p2(4,4,5.5,6.5);
       Polygon p3(5,4,6.5,7.5);
       cout<<"Area of Polygon#1:"<<p1.getArea()<<endl;
       cout<<"Perimeter of Polygon#1:"<<p1.getPerimeter()<<endl;
       cout<<"\nArea of Polygon#2:"<<p2.getArea()<<endl;
       cout<<"Perimeter of Polygon#2:"<<p2.getPerimeter()<<endl;
       cout<<"\nArea of Polygon#3:"<<p3.getArea()<<endl;
       cout<<"Perimeter of Polygon#3:"<<p3.getPerimeter()<<endl;
   return 0;  


Expert Solution

Dear student, I have modified the code according to your requirements.
Please upvote if you are satisfied with the answer.
Please do comment below if you have any doubts thanks.

int main()

float a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;

cout<<"Enter the values for Plogon 1: ";

cout<<"Enter the values for Plogon 2: ";

cout<<"Enter the values for Plogon 3: ";

Polygon p1(a,b,c,d);
Polygon p2(e,f,g,h);
Polygon p3(i,j,k,l);
cout<<"Area of Polygon#1:"<<p1.getArea()<<endl;
cout<<"Perimeter of Polygon#1:"<<p1.getPerimeter()<<endl;
cout<<"\nArea of Polygon#2:"<<p2.getArea()<<endl;
cout<<"Perimeter of Polygon#2:"<<p2.getPerimeter()<<endl;
cout<<"\nArea of Polygon#3:"<<p3.getArea()<<endl;
cout<<"Perimeter of Polygon#3:"<<p3.getPerimeter()<<endl;
return 0;

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