
In: Computer Science

in C please! Write a code that asks user for input N and calculates the sum...

in C please!

Write a code that asks user for input N and calculates the sum of the first N odd integers. There should be a "pure" method that calculates the sum separately that Main method should call when printing the output.


Expert Solution

Above code is to print the sum of first n odd integers

To explain this more clearly, below are the steps:

Step 1: Declare the variable N

N is the nth value user will enter from console

int n;


Step 2: Take input from user in console

Input is the N number , which determine how many odd integers we have to add .

Input is taken with the help of predefined function in C, scanf()

printf("Enter Nth number: ");
scanf("%d" , &n);

Step 3: Now , call the method pure() with one argument passed which is n. It will return the calculated sum of first n odd integers and return to the main function and will print in the console.

In main function , value will be printed in console using predefined function printf()

printf("Sum of first N odd integers is: %d", pure(n));

We have called the function, in the print statement and result will be displayed directly in the console

Step 4: Inside function pure()

As the function is called, control moves to the function defination

It accepts the n value as argument, and store in variable num

Also, declare two variable with integer datatype; sum and oddIncrementor

sum initialized to 0, it will continously add the n odd integers and store in it

oddIncremetor initialized to 1, it will increment the value of integer by 2,

making odd digits, eg ; 1, 3 ,5 7

int pure(int num){
int sum=0;
int oddIncrementor=1;

Step 5:

A for loop is used to calculate N odd integers sum

Initialize the value of i to 0

Condition: i<num

that means, ;loop will iterate num times

Example: num is 5, according to condition, loop will executed 5 times.

i is incremented 1

If the condition is true, control moves inside the loop

It will add the oddincrementor value in the sum variable

oddincrementor value is incremeted by 2, so that next odd integer is stored in the variable

for(int i=0;i<num;i++){

As the condition becomes false, control will exit out of loop and moves to next immediate statement

Step 6: It will return the calculated total sum value to function call

return sum;

Step 7: Exit the control out of program

return 0;


Please find the code below in C language:

#include <stdio.h>

int pure(int num){
int sum=0;
int oddIncrementor=1;
for(int i=0;i<num;i++){
return sum;
int main()
int n;
printf("Enter Nth number: ");
scanf("%d" , &n);
printf("Sum of first N odd integers is: %d", pure(n));
return 0;

Please find attached Code screenshot:

Please find attached output screenhot:

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