
In: Statistics and Probability

load the MASS library in R. A. Package ‘MASS’ which provides a description of the datasets...

load the MASS library in R. A. Package ‘MASS’ which provides a description of the datasets available in the MASS package. Then, answer each of the following questions using the appropriate test statistic and following formal steps of hypothesis testing.

A:Test of equal or given proportions: Use the “bacteria” data set to answer the question, “did the drug treatment have a significant effect of the presence of the bacteria compared with the placebo?”

B: F-test: Use the “cats” data set to test for the variance of the body weight in male and female cats. Is the variance in bodyweight of male cats the same as the variance in bodyweight of female cats?


Expert Solution

Answer A.

Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference in the drug and placebo treatments on the proportion of bacteria

Alternative Hypothesis: The proportion of bacteria due to drug treatments are significantly less than in placebo treatment


Conclusion: Since p-value = 1 > so we fail to reject the Null Hypothesis and conclude that There is no significant difference in the drug and placebo treatments on the proportion of bacteria

Answer B:

Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference in the variance in bodyweight of male cats and variance in bodyweight of female cats

Alternative Hypothesis: There is significant difference in the variance in bodyweight of male cats and variance in bodyweight of female cats


Conclusion: Since p-value = 0.0001157 < so we reject the Null Hypothesis and conclude that There is significant difference in the variance in bodyweight of male cats and variance in bodyweight of female cats

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